Azita Ajami's Webpage

Azita Ajami recieved her M.D. degree in General Medicine from Medical School,
Tehran University of Medical Sciences in 1995. As a health director of different medical centers, she then completed her Post-Doctorate compulsory service which lasted for 3 years. From summer of 2000,  Dr. Ajami has been with the Reaserch and Development Center of Medical Education, Iran University of Medical Sciences as a research assosicate where she is doing research on different medical education and public health related topics.

Dr. Ajami has recieved her
Permanent General Practitioner License in 1998. She is the award recepinet as Best Director of Medical and Health Centers of supporting areas in Tehran, Iran, in 1998. Dr. Ajami is the author of more than 20 journal and conference publications in the field of Medical Education and Public Health.

Dr. Ajami's current research interests are in studying the reward system for teachers in medical schools, and  evaluation of health service and medical education integration in Iran. She has also practiced as a general medical doctor from 1998 till now. She is a member of
Iraninan Association of Medical Education
Resume (PDF) (PS)