WEll if you wonder why my page has not had anything added to it TOUGH!!!!
AS a student going for my
MCSE I no longer have the time, want or energy to work on this for the next 7 months.To get an idea of the hell this course our teacher's first words out of his mouth were"Your life as you know it is over for the next year"
I know its goin to be worth it but..HOLLY SHIT!! it's tough!
Welcome to Tonys-Place
                     Here you can find links to many different
                     as well as
hacker sites. I placed the hacker sites in because
                     in order  to learn how to stop hackers from entering your sys you must

learn how these programs work
.I hope this helps you out.
If you have any questions or ideas to improve this sight drop me a note
Or if you want to page me via ICQ then drop me a line at my ICQ Homepage
If you don't have ICQ then
Get It Here .
Here ,(Mr.Game Site),This is a site I made for the game player in you.
Here you will find all you need to know for QuakeII
and also the new Quake III !!!!.
Lots of help here for dropping pings and files for
improvein your game. Not to mention lots of good
sites for other games. CHK IT OUT

Use this web address to do a search and Clean
of any virusis in your system.. Note your anti Virus
program may state issue but if you tell your anti-virus to ignore
it will do a scan of your sys.
I,ve tried it and works fine
Here's a little message to those goofs who hack us
Press the hillbilly
If you are interested in finding a crack to a App/Game then heres the place to find those cracks. After all wouldn't you like to try a full version out..ummmm befor...ummm you go out and buy it..hmmmm.:-)
This is a TXT fileI made up for power users to see
if there System is infected by a B.O. And how to manually
remove it useing
Here are links to hacker sites. Like I said to learn how to protect
yourself you need to understand how they work (at least in my opinion)


Top 100 sites for a # of real great sites for hacker programs
As well as Anti-hacking info and helps


Cracks,cheats,hacking....need I say more


Hacking and subculture for new & expeirienced

United hackers association

One of the biggest file archives for hackers.....Lamers I mean


Another lame site for hackers
Here are links to sites that will help you to prevent people from gettin into your computer.


great fire wall protection and easy to use
will trace hacker and log all his actions


this is a great program! you can turn the tables
on the hacker. Go get em!

Back Orifice

what to look for and how to remove
them,and programs to help

The Anonymizer

Want to be anonymous when hitting web sites?
this site will prevent web pages from loggin your ip addy

Anti online

this is a list of programs you must install
in the order they are in.These are a list of fix
files for the windows platform..read the txt to
understand what the files will do


lots of good links here


For people to help avoid being hacked
Security and Exploiting related files and links


Here's more good programs for security
for your system