Welcome to Media turtle. Your best place for getting full length high quality music videos and mp3s. Also a good appz section without tons of pop-ups. Come back later to see whats new.
est. 10/10/00 @ 11:45 p.m. Welcome to Media Turtle and I hope you enjoy my site. My previous site was Bobturtle Page. I lost Bobturtle Page after I was formating one of my hard drives to get rid of a VxD error while my html was secure in the other drive. Later to find out that the error was on my other drive and it would not let me load Windows 98. So I could not access any of the files (especially my html) on the other drive unless I took it out and slap it into another computer but I forgot and I formatted that drive too. Well at least I got a fresh start for a site and a fresh start for my computer. There might not be many files to begin with now but my directories for mp3 and music videos aren't up yet but I will post files to download off my computer. Please keep it one at a time because my upload speed is only 40kb/s at light and 30kb/s at busy times (only reason why cable sucks). So ussually I would have 3-4 people downloading at same time so I could then serve 8-11kb/s to each one of them. If I can ping your ip, I might send you an instant message and ask you to take your time on downloads or when you could do more. Don't be worried because I wouldn't hack or transfer any viruses to you. Right click and choose save as to download, enjoy the files!