The FUA Clan Help Stop Cheating join the FUA
Well thay have not kick us off yet so MERRY XMASS ALLL AND A HAPPY 2004 YEAR
!!New links to more maps on the map page!!
Well we are still Here!! And Yes and So is BZI and BZII!!
At PlanetBattleZone Thay Have a Patch 1.8 for BZI for Us & of course FE!! Go there and get it!! Me and Grim will be OUT in Bouth Game this weekend!! Try to Catch us or Kill Us LOLOLOL See You there
NEW FLASH 9/21/01 well its been a year and no new BZII yet there are still trying and we are watiing so we are still here and there !!!
NEW FLASH 10/20/00
A New BattleZone II Is coming soon go here and see what a bunch of diehards are doing to save our game !!!!
8/27/00 Well all just like you we are stil waiting for that dam patch but go to the Reapers Edge II for a new tip
once the patch is out we will be playing more AND SO WILL YOU!!!!
8/10/00 The First FUA Lan Party In Michigan At Reapers Place
Come and Join the Fun a Date has not been set but go to this link(
and see if you can join us in the fun!!!!! I got the stuff and Grimm got the place!!!!!!
We now have Help!! Please go GO Here to Help Stop Hacking
A BUG oh no if you play IMscrapwar with scion as the bad guy
thay dont come for you if you still wish to play it do it just with ISDF for now sorry
5/19/00 Well now that the new patch's Have come out what does this mean???? New MAPS thats all try this one
just put it in yourC:\Program Files\Battlezone II\Addon\Missions and have fun !!!!
This link dont work am use Internet Explorer try this copy this in to your address box
THE NEW Reaper Egde IS Open
if you have tips or trick email
4/21/00 Well sorry all. Yes I know am late so is the patch!!!
We here at the FUA Have been just as bad with our web page.
But we hope soon to have Grims page up soon !!! So look out all
2/18/00 A lot of you have ask for scrapwar map to be a AI map I will do this as soon as CloudBase is done.
Bug found IN MAP But fix down load new map sorry all. You will need to delete old scrapwar folder and unzip new one and read the readme file first!! Allso you must start the map with 2 players
If you srart up with just you There is a good chance that some one will spawn next to you. So start with 2 players and it will work 100% In testing this was the only time that someone spawn next to you !!!!!
Well Its done so go for it SCRAPWAR 3.0A strat map for BZII
24 scrapools!! And It's as BIG AS BIGASS MOON so try it and see
If you have trouble with that link try this
it will take you right to our maps file folder file name
Well its out the new hack patch for BZ is here at the FUA web page WE ALL MUST HAVE TO PLAY so get it now!!
This IS NOT A Activision Patch this patch was made by players
that are sick of the hacking !!!! A BIG THANK YOU TO Cmdr Wayne FROM THE FUA
Well it now all most time for BZII to hit 12/21/99! most of us at the FUA have preorder our copy 2nd day air and will have it on 12/23/99 just before Christmas so should you!!! So you to can join in the fun !!If all goes well we will see you all in the NEW BATTLE ZONE II
WOW Its 8/18/99 And no new Tricks & Tips what is up devo you on lunch? No but It looks like it. I got a email from a FUA fan that has A tip for all of you go to the Reapers
Edge and see!
NEW News 6/8/99 Hey all we have been made a watchtower for BZII!!! This means that We will get all the NEW News on BZII! So go to the BZII web page and see for your slef and see what is up now!! and We will keep you updated on what to come!! Hit on the 66 tower icon at the bottom for this page to go to BZII web page!
Map News 5/16/99
There HERE Cloudbase and V2A Scrapwar map. The scrapwar map that was on this web page on 5/10/99 to 5/16/99 was bad. You can tell by the scrapwar.txt file if it has V2! It is bad you need V2A Sorry for that one all. But Cloudbase is here it will put you in the clouds have fun all
"Scrapwar Map"
"Cloudbase Map"
Well, I hope you are all kicking butt in BZ? But take a Look at BZ2 web page and see what's up and coming. Yes, New hack out! Its a ping hack! It slows you down and speeds up and you can't see what hit you!!! Drax saw that with the new aintlag patch V2. He seen them but couldn't kill them! So get the patch today!!
and see what you can't!!!
Well, I see that we've had a lot of hits this month. Thanks to all of you for the support of this page!This page is for all BZ players NOT JUST FUA, that's why some people are copying our web page! Devo, you said that they are copying the FUA web page? Yes, it is funny,they are! As I go looking around, a lot of web sites are NOW GIVING TRICKS AND TIPS. OH,NO! Grim will not be happy! But don't go to their sites, they only give the good tips to members NOT TO YOU THE Player, that's why you come here. WE DONT ASK YOU JOIN, just come and see what's new, thats all !! If you wish to join do so
but dont feel you have to! just come and join us in a fair game
and have fun thats all we ask of you Again thank you all for the
We all must have the NEW anitlag V2 patch for it to work so all
FUA are asked to download it today!! Lets US Help you stop the lag today!
"Anit LagV2"
"The Reaper's EDGE"
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