Welcome to *dah dah dah dah* Infinything! (as if you couldn't guess, it's only outlined in large blue glowing letters at the top of the page after all.)

Trapped in a frame?, click here .

So it's you..... Well, not necessarily you I mean I can't tell who comes here and reads this text so making it specified toward any one person would be pretty stupid. But, in a very ambiguous and universal sense, it's you.

Hello you.

As you can see I've been pretty busy here, all the background colours (black) are up and some of the pictures even work! Unfortunately the builders I've contracted to help me set all this up are having one of their unscheduled breaks that they seem to require fifty times a day to live. Due to this some features aren't going to be up until I can get a hold of a loud speaker, two tons of fresh Atlantic salmon, six lords a'leaping, and a twenty strong cleaning crew for afterwards..........

In the meantime why not stay a while and look around? It might not be the best site ever yet, but I'm working on it......................
Oh, I almost forget, if you want to get anywhere on this page you'll have to check out these definitions.

6/8/02 - I've just been looking through my photo album and I've realised that all the pictures of me are crap! so I'm putting this colourfully labeled intro photo here, in the hopes that first impressions are lasting and ppl won't think I'm *quite* so shocking as I appear in the photo album if they see this photo first, enjoy :)

Kangaroo, (n), Marsupial with bloody powerful hind legs that somehow allow it to be misinterpreted by all as cute and cuddly. Often used in context of Australia. Repeated telling of jokes about jumping will drive you 'hopping' mad when the animal itself is brought up in conversation. Also used, for obscure reasons of my very own, as the Link to my About Me section.

Stonehenge, (n), Originally a failed attempt at a bottle opener for really big bottle. Later acted as;
'da plane, 'da plane, (n), [1] Great big whopping metal frame that defies gravity and also carries people. See Also: If God had meant for man to fly he'd have given him the ability to create planes. [2] Link to Page of Witty Comebacks.
Pretzel, (n) and sometimes (v), Salty breadstick with a knot in. Originated in the infamous Baker duels of the late 19th century when all truly bored bakers got together on saturday nights and held ingenious contests using dough. One particularly drunk baker bet another drunk baker that if he could twist the dough into a knot he'd agree to be killed by the third party overseeing the bet. Of course in his drunken haze he'd confused dough with steel in what would turn out to be the last mistake of his life. Even though he created the pretzel his name has been lost in the mists of time....... some venture the oppinion that this is probably for the best. In more modern times the knot in the pretzel has come to represent My Link page.

Roller Blade, (n), Footwear with wheels. Gets you there faster but deprives you of the ability to stop. Not much use when you only have one. Through a series of freak accidents that won't be repeated here a pair was acquired by the last remaining lost tribe in the Amazon Rainforest. The primative culture worships them as Gods of My Guestbook.

Ummmmmmm, Errrrrrrr, OK, you've got me, I'm not actually sure what this is. But whatever species it may belong to you can be sure that my highly trained team of genocidal biologists will make it their highest priority to rid it from the face of whatever planet it may inhabit. And since it's as good as two hamburgers and a serving of fries anyway I'm sure it won't mind me using it as a link to My Photo Album

Terrawyn 22070411