Richard's Personal Page

Welcome to my personal web page. It's not a very fancy page, but what the hey, it has the information that I want to share with the world. Some day I may make this fancier, but until then, this will have to do.


At the moment I have two hobbies: rock climbing and being medieval.

Rock Climbing

I started this about a year ago, and it sure is a lot of fun. Not only do you get one heck of a work out, but also it's a lot more interesting than lifting weights. I'm not a great climber, but I can climb any 5.9 route, most 5.10 routes and even some 5.11 routes.

Since I live in central Florida, and there are absolutely no rocks near by, I go to the excellent On the Edge rock climbing gym. Check it out some time! I know that it's not real rock, and there really is no substitute for real rock, but I much prefer driving 10 minues to the gym, rather than 10 hours to a mountain.

If you want to see what I look like when I'm climbing, click here.

Doing my Medieval Thing

My latest hobby is attending events and activities organized by The Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. In general this involves a lot of dressing up in medieval clothes and doing medieval things, like sword fighting, feasting, blacksmithing, or whatever you can think of (the list is really rather long!)

Take a look at my small photo album if you want to get an idea of what it's like.

I had a very good time at Gulf Wars XIII. Take a look at what happened to me during a bridge battle.

Medieval dance

One of the fun medieval things that I do is to teach medieval dance lessons. For a beginners guide to medieval dancing, grab this file: dancesteps.doc. (Sorry, it's a MS Word document. Perhaps one day I will convert it to PDF... one day...)

Other stuff

Some sound files
The (final?) Safco Tribes Family photo
The Safco Tribes Family photo This is version 2 of the picture. No decapitated heads.
The Tribes Family photo This is the first version of the file, with only the figures - no faces or background.
The No So Upcoming Wizard T-Shirt.