Branigun, click here :) (wasn't so bad was it?)
This is the 1998 AHSSP page
Advanced High School Studies Program (AHSSP) is an annual Computer Science class held during the summer for high school students entering their senior year. My name is McKay Salisbury. I am president of the psycho overachievers club for this year. Brett Huff (the Vice President) is helping out with the web page too.
this was last modified on
This link will take you to the E-mail page.
This is the current picture album (please send more)
This are the information surveys that everyone has been filling out
This is the song "Iowa" that Weston Cann sang at the talent show
This is the main AHSSP web page
See insanity ratings
See the expert systems
Info about the reunion
E-Mail McKay (he made these pages)
E-mail Brett(he's taking care of them too)
E-mail The Web Guy
To McKay's homepage
To Jason Nelson's homepage(another AHSSP page)

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