40North Tower # 4L Oak Brook, IL
Cell: (630) 290-2454 Tel: (630) 916 -8024


Over 5 years of extensive hands on experience in full software development life cycle (analysis, design, development, testing, implementation, documentation and user training) specializing in .net framework,client/server applications and distributed internet applications (dna for e-commerce, b2b, b2c, ecrms ). Design, analysis, implementation and management of databases on distributed systems. Have the ability to analyze business problems, develop effective solutions and integrate technologies for the strategic business needs.



Qualification Highlights


*          Full Life Cycle Software Development.

*          E-Commerce Solutions.

*          Strategy Planning.

*          Project Management.

*          ERP Solutions.

*          Process Engineering

*          Systems Architecture.

*          CRM Systems.

*          Team Building.

*          Information Engineering.

*          Quality Assurance.

*          Client Relationship.



Technical Expertise



Ψ    . Net

Ψ    Web development

Ψ       Client Server


·          OOP

·          UI Design

·          S/W Architecture

·          Functional Specs

·          Design Specs

·          Profiling

·          Code Review

·          System Analysis

·          Database Performance Tuning

·          Data Modeling

·          UML

Primary Languages

·          VB.Net

·          Visual Basic

·          ASP.NET

·          ASP 3.0

·          CSP

·          VB Script

·          Java Script

·          HTML/CSS

·          XML/XSL

·          SQL

·          PL/SQL

·          T-SQL

·          VBA

·          Crystal reports


·          COM/DCOM/COM+

·          Win16/Win32

·          SOAP

·          Web Services

·          RAS

·          DNA

·          ECRM

·          Automation

·          Remote automation

·          Workflow/GroupWare

·          ADO

·          ADO.NET

·          ActiveX

·          Crystal Enterprise

·          Seagate info


·          Oracle Portal



·          Oracle

·          MS SQL Server

·          Lotus Notes

·          Access/Fox pro/Paradox

Data warehouse

·          Oracle Warehouse Builder


Reporting Tools

·          Crystal Enterprise 9.0


Analysis/Design Tools

·          Visio

·          Erwin

·          Data Modeler

·          Rational Rose 2000

Application Servers

·          Microsoft Transaction Server – MTS

·          Oracle Application Server 9i R2- 9iAS R2

Secondary Languages

·          JAVA 2

·          Lotus Script /Lotus Formula

·          C/C++

·          C#

Application Development Tools

·          Visual InterDev

·          Visual Studio

·          Visual Studio.Net

·          FrontPage

·          Oracle LSX

·          TOAD

·          SQL Plus, OWB client

·          Ms Project


·          Windows 2000 NT/ 95/98

·          DOS, UNIX, AIX




q       AON (April 2002-- Present)

Job Title:               Sr. Systems Analyst/ Architect

Job Description:          Designing, coding testing and modifying web-based, Client Server (DNA / .NET) applications. A major part of my efforts are directed towards taking requirements developed by the business analyst and working individually or in a group to create a formal design/project plan for additional functionality and/or new applications for large-scale risk management/financial applications.


Projects Completed For AON

1.       ARM – DataConversion/ Info-Engineering ( JUNE 2003  - DEC 2003 )



Client:          AON. – USA

Tools:             VB.NET ADO.NET Oracle warehouse builder

Platform:           Window 2000, Sun Solaris 9

Database:         Oracle

Technologies: .NET framework , Data wearhousing, ATL and portal


The idea behind DataConversion was to simplify the data aqusition, transformation and load processes. AON receives huge amounts of data from different carriers, all of these carriers have multiple formats. Dataconversion is responsible for gathering the data from all the different recources and transforming it into a single format before loading it into the enterprise systems. Bussiness also wanted the ability to write the transformation rules in future without relaying on IT .

The data aquasition and transformation is done usign the OWB pakages, the interface for the application is designed using VB.NET and ADO.NET. The interface  gives the user the ability to modify transformation rules and write new transformation rules without any knowledge of OWB.

I am the Team Lead/ Architect of the porject. I am resposible for a team of 7-12 people. My role as a team lead is very hand on, we orginaly planned to develop the interface in Oracle Portal, but  it soon became avident that portal will not fulfill our requirments, thus it was decided to scrap the portal interface and desing it in I lead the team responsible for evaluating the two different technologies and defining best development practices. In addition to daily development work, I was also responsible for interacting with the bussiness and gathering requirments, defining roles, team building and other management resposibilities. I also oversaw the infrastructure and QA activities. The project is still ongoing, phase I will finish by Dec 2003.


2.       ARM - Reportfolio  ( JUNE 2002  - JUNE 2003 )



Client:          AON. – USA

Tools:             Crystal Enterprise 9, Crystal Server Pages, ad-hoc reporting, Crystal Reports 9

Platform:           Window 2000

Database:         Oracle

Technologies: RAS, Ad-hoc reports


Object of Reportfolio was to give the user the ability to interact with the reports generated on the web. ARM’s old reporting system was static in nature. User wanted the ability to sort, group, filter and rearrange columns of the dynamic reports displayed on the web.

I worked as the system archituect/ team lead. I was resposible for designing managing and implementing the project. My team contisted of 5 developers. In addition to daily development work, I was also responsible for interacting with the bussiness and gathering requirments. I was also on the infrastructure design team, resposible for setting up the Production/uat and testing enviornoments. The project was completed on time and on budget.


3.       Aon Risk Monitor  (ARM) (April 2002 – Today )



Client:          AON. – USA

Tools:             Visual Basic 6, VB.NET, Information Server 4.0/5.0, VB Script, Visual InterDev, JavaScript, Transaction server, Active Server Pages, Index Server, Crystal reports, Seagate info

Platform:           Windows NT 4.0, Window 2000

Database:         Oracle

Technologies: COM/COM+/DCOM, N-tier DNA / Extranet


ARM Extranet is the next generation of sophisticated risk management, information tools to provide an integrated, detailed view of the cost of risk. Risk Monitor consolidates claims, exposure, and policy data into customized reports and graphs that provide an instant snapshot of a company's risk management program.

Risk Monitor, helps risk managers to evaluate the effectiveness of risk control efforts and compare risk factors year-to-year, location-to-location, or by any category that warrants comparison - right from their own Extranet.

ARM has the following main components:

·        Claims Management

·        Exposure Management

·        Reporting

·        Allocation

I started working on the project as a Consultant and then I was hired as a FT resource. My responsibilities include Designing, coding and testing enhancements. I am also a part of the support team for ARMs. The team is responsible for supporting clients in USA, Europe and Australia. Currently we are preparing a feasibility report to migrate this project to .NET

q       Solution Partners (Feb 2001—April 2002)

Job Title:               Consultant

Job Description:     Designing, coding testing and modifying web-based b2b/b2c/b2b2c and channel recourse management (ECRM) applications


Projects Completed For Solution Partners


4.       Solution Partners /Inhouse (Nov 2001- April 2002)



Client:          Solution Partners Inc.– USA

Tools:             ASP. Net, Visual Studio, Information Server 5.0,

Platform:           Windows 2000

Database:         SQL Server 2000

Technologies: .NET, XML, User Controls, Server Controls, ADO. Net, Data List, Data Grid

I was responsible for migrating the existing web based DNA applications to .net framework.

5.       Kawasaki eCRM (Feb 2001- Nov 2001)


Sites:           Kawasaki.Com



Client:          Kawasaki Motor Corp.– USA/Click Commerce – USA

Tools:             Visual Basic 6 Visual C++, Information Server 4.0, VB Script, Visual InterDev, JavaScript, Transaction server, Active Server Pages, Index Server, CICS, Click commerce 3.x

Platform:           Windows NT, MVS AS400

ERP:                  In house application using CICS/Cobol, Click Commerce 3.x

Database:          SQL Server 7.0, DB2 CICS

Technologies: COM/DCOM, N-tier Client/Server, and XML

This is a suit of applications build to help Kawasaki manage their channels. The two sites and are b2c sites and is a b2b site


I joined the project at a very turbulent time. The project was over budget and deliverables were pending for the past 10 months. My responsibility was to deliver the project to the satisfaction of the client. I lead the team of 3 developers, two QA testers. I was the tech lead/PM for the project.




q       PCI/Azavar Technologies (July 2000 – Feb 2001)

Job Title:               Sr. Analyst

Job Description:          Designing, coding and testing web based b2b and b2c applications My responsibilities included; Training junior developers, setting up the Development Methodologies, defining coding standards and setting up the required infrastructure.


Projects Completed For Azavar Technologies


6. – E-Commerce B2C (July 2000 – Feb 2001)


Client:          Bisco Dental Products – USA

Tools:             Visual Basic 6, Information Server 4.0, VB Script, Visual InterDev, JavaScript, Transaction server, Active Server Pages, Index Server, BPCS, and SSA SMGs

Platform:           Windows NT, Unix

ERP:                  SSA- BPCS

Database:         SQL Server 7.0,Informix

Technologies: COM, N-tier Client/Server

The goal of this project was to provide Bisco with means to market and sell it’s products electronically both in the International and Domestic market.

I was the main contact person for this project. As the lead Architect/Analyst, I was involved in the project from the very beginning. My responsibilities included requirement gathering, writing the project proposal, design documentation, time estimation, and architecture design, I was also responsible for designing developing and implementing backend databases. I also designed and coded MTS COM components, Test Plan and UATs.

For the First time in History we were able to connect the BPCS ERP to the web. We were able to design the whole e-store without modifying the existing logic of BPCS; instead sometimes we used the features of BPCS to utilize them for our benefit.



7. – E-Commerce B2C (July 2000 – Feb 2001)


Client:          High-Grade Paints – USA

Tools:             Visual Basic 6, Information Server 4.0, VB Script, Visual InterDev, JavaScript, Transaction server, Active Server Pages, Index Server, BPCS, and SSA SMGs

Platform:           Windows NT

Database:         SQL Server 7.0

Technology: COM, N-tier Client/Server

The goal of this project was to provide High Grade Pints with means to market and sell it’s products electronically both in the international and domestic market.

I was the team lead/PM for the project


q       SoftNet Systems (Pvt.) Limited (January 1997- January 1999)

Job Title:               Software Engineer

Job Description:          Designing, coding and testing web based workflow applications, e-commerce sites and DNA applications


Projects Completed For SoftNet Systems


8. – Web Portal (4 months)

Web site:

Client:          Efind – USA

Tools:             Visual Basic 6, Information Server 4.0, VB Script, Visual InterDev, JavaScript, Transaction server, Active Server Pages, Site Server

Platform:           Windows NT

Database:         SQL Server 7.0

Technologies: COM, Client/Server

The goal of this project was to provide a simple search engine to the general user of the Internet. The Vendor could make bids and depending upon the bid amount, vendor’s site(s) is listed in the search listing in the descending order.

As a senior Programmer, my responsibilities included design and development of a MTS compatible COM component gathered the search results from Netscape Open Directory and present it to the user. I also designed and development the Vendor interfaces using ASP. I played an instrumental role in design and development of backend database (SQL server), Design documentation, Time estimation, Test plans and UATs.


9.       USF – Sales and Marketing Knowledge Base System (5 months)

Client:          US Freightways – USA

Tools:             Visual Basic 6, Information Server 4.0, VB Script, Visual InterDev, JavaScript, Transaction server, Active Server Pages, Site Server

Platform:           Windows NT

Database:         SQL Server 7.0

Technologies:  COM, Client/Server

The goal of USF SMKB was to provide a discussion database for the employees to identify customer issues and provide timely resolutions. The system provided extensive search capabilities and email notifications for reminder and escalations of issues, which have not been resolved.

My responsibilities included Design, development and implementation of backend database using SQL server, and user interfaces using ASP. I was also part of the BRD, Test plans and UAT development.


10.    Easy Wireless - Web site project (3 months)

Client:                Easy Wireless – USA

Tools:                 Visual Basic 6, Information Server 4.0, VB Script, Visual InterDev, JavaScript, Transaction server, Active Server Pages, Site Server

Platform:           Windows NT

Database:         SQL Server 7.0

Technologies: COM, Client/Server

The goal of the project was to develop and design an easy and simple web site that allows consumers to find and order products and services to meet their wireless needs.

I worked in this project as a developer. My responsibility was to design and develop a web enabled (ASP) report interface for corporate user of the application


11.    SoftNet Bridge  (6 months)

Client:                In-house

Tools:                 Visual Basic 5.0 Lotus script, VBA 5, lotus Formulas, Ms Project98, HTML, and Java Script

Platform:           Windows NT 4.x, Windows 95

Database:         Lotus Notes

Technologies: Web based Workflow, COM, Client/Server, OLE

The main objective of this project was to integrate Microsoft Project98 and Lotus Notes and create a product to help Project Managers to track different activities/tasks of a project. The application provided a graphical picture of the project activity using Gantt charts. In Notes, each task is converted to Action Items and is routed to the person responsible. The application also provided ways to calculate hours spent by each resource on a specific task.

I was the team lead of this project. My responsibilities included overall design of the application. Integration of MS Project98 with Lotus Notes using Automation. Designing classes in visual basic to update information and control MS Project 98 and Lotus Notes. To perform code review, quality assurance and technical assistance to team members.




12.    BAX – Currency Exchange Rates (2 months)


Client:                Burlington Air Express USA 

Tools:                 Visual Basic 5, Visual Basic for Application 5, and MS Excel 97

Platform:           Windows NT 4.x

Databases:       Lotus Notes/Domino, Oracle

Technologies: Client/Server, Distributed COM

The Objective of the Automation of Currency Exchange Rates application was to automate the process of retrieving currency exchange rates from the Wall Street web site. The application was designed to reduce human error and achieve high accuracy. Additionally, it also saved considerable time.

I was the team lead of this project. My responsibilities included design documentation, distribution of modules, team co-ordination & communication, and quality assurance. I was also responsible for Designing classes in Visual Basic to control Excel using automation, Designing OLE server (ActiveX Code component) to apply different business rules on the data using COM/DCOM.


13.    BAX – Customer Dispute System (5 months)

Client:                Burlington Air Express USA

Tools:                 Lotus script, Lotus formulas, HTML, Domino, Java Script, Oracle LSX, PL/SQL

Platform:           Windows NT 4.x, UNIX, and Windows95

Databases:       Lotus Notes/Domino, Oracle

Technologies: Oracle LSX, Domino, Web based Workflow

This application is a part of suit of application developed for BAX Global. The major purpose of this application was to eliminate the bottleneck in the previous system so that disputes can be resolved and payments get cleared.

I was responsible for the front end of the application, which was developed using HTML, Java Script and domino. The data connectivity between Oracle and Notes was also my responsibility. Data was pulled from Oracle and then processed in Notes, once the issues were resolved; data was again pushed back in Oracle using Oracle LSX and SQL. I also implemented the mail functionality and some of the other business rules.


14.    PARAMOUNT PICTURES – Contract Management System (12 months)

Client:                Paramount Pictures USA

Tools:                 Lotus Script, Visual Basic, VBA and Lotus Formulas

Platform:        Windows NT 4.x

Database:         Lotus Notes

Technologies: Workflow designs, OLE and COM

Paramount Deal Tracking is an intelligent contract management system. It tracks the legal deals of different people working for Paramount Pictures in different capacities. It contains an extensive workflow, which tracks the project development process (motion picture project) and communication from the very beginning towards the completion. This powerful, collaborative system eliminates the cumbersome, error-prone environment typically associated with manual contract generation process. Hence it automates and expedites the labor-intensive contract generation process.

I worked with the senior programmer on the OLE control module-using VBA and Lotus Notes to connect the database and Ms Word. I was responsible for pushing the data into word (Mapping) and then formatting the final contract in Word. I also implemented the functionality of redlining and versioning



q       Genesis Production  (June 96 – January 1997)

Job Title:               Web Master

Job Description       Designed hosted and maintained different web sites for the clients. I was also responsible for setting up SMTP severs and other CGI mailing programs

q       Aquarius Institute Of Computer Sciences (Spring 2001- spring 2002)

Job Title                Visiting Faculty

Job Description           Responsible for conducting web development classes (basic/advance)

Web Development is a crash course for programmers; it covers topics from basic web development principals to advance web development techniques.

As a visiting faculty it is also my responsibility to revise the curriculum to keep up with the latest advancements in technology




IMG Chicago. USA (2002)

Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET. Course 2373

Programming with the Microsoft .NET Framework (Visual Basic .NET) Course 2415

Programming with ADO.NET Course 2389

SoftNet System. USA (1999)

Lotus Notes Application development I & II

Lotus Notes Administration I

Business Communication II

Analysis & Design for workflow application II

PAK-AIMS Lahore, Pakistan (1998)

                Web Development


            Visual basic 6.0



University Of Central Oklahoma, Edmond OK/USA (Jan 1999 – May 2000)

Bachelors in Computer Science / President Honor Roll

PAK American Institute of Management Sciences, Lahore/Pakistan (Jan 1994-April 1997)

Bachelors of Mathematics/Computer Sciences / Deans Honor Roll



Will be furnished upon request