Welcome to my site... Among other things, this is the site for my QB and FB projects. After leaving this place untouched for a while, I've decided to update it to reflect my current programming projects. I also plan on updating the links and such, as several excellent web sites have come into existence that I hope everyone else checks out.
- Update: 1-5-06 Alright! An update to kick off the new year. This is really just to get me going through the new QBTop50. Also, it's an announcement that the Netgame library I've been working on for FreeBASIC is nearing completion as far as the server code goes. We'll see how long client code takes.
- 4-29-05 Updated the Hungry Jocke Game with some new bonuses. Also, Momoguru's been working on the ASCIIQUEST rpg maker, which I highly recommend. You can click here to get to the site. MUST SEE: Only the greatest flash movie ever made.
- 4-22-05 Ok, released a little mini-game starring everyone's favorite action game hero, Jocke the Beast! Grab The Hungry Jocke Game from the files section and have fun! (Download from quickhost.tk)
- 4-19-05 Today marks the day of my first released FB project, a remake of my old game Red Jumpy Ball that's about 1000 times better than it was before. It features 5 game play modes in a race against the clock and random hazards to score the highest score possible. Bonuses on the randomly generated levels add a strategic element to the game and keep players (especially my roommates who should be typing papers) coming back for more. Hop on over to the files section and check it out! (Download from quickhost.tk)
- 12-27-04 Ok, this is an update to make a plug for my up and coming FreeBASIC project, Jocke Attack. Yep, it's a nice family text game where you play a rampaging Jocke the Beast on a really bad day. So, click on the project page link and check it out!
- 11-10-04 Nice.. over a year since the last update. Well, this is just a quickie with a link to my entry for the QB Express #3 text game competition. You can download it by clicking this: The Numbervold. Enjoy! Any feedback would be greatly appreciated, and there are a few things in the manual you'll want to know about (so read it).
- 8-14-03 Ok, latest update. It's been several months, so apparently I don't care too much about this place. However, I did just upload what I have done of my entry for an RPG development competition. You can download it here. It's far from finished and is going to take me longer than this competition to complete. C'est la vie! I'll get it done eventually. It took first place over at RPG-Dev.net.
-Jocke Attack-
