Welcome to the Grant Zone

Hello there
My name is Grant Palmer and this is my Web page.

I am a scientific programmer with the Space Technology Division at NASA Ames Research Center. I live in Chandler, Arizona with my wife, two boys, and a good, old dog named Bailey.

What's new?

New pictures from the Spring of 2004 including a late snow trip and my adventure in Costa Rica. See the new pictures in the picture gallery

This month in "Jackson and Zachary's Words of Wisdom" Zachary talks to the animals.

In the humor page Men 101

Here is the March 13th graduating class of Corky Carroll's Surf School in Costa Rica. We are sitting in the school's Mexican restaurant where we took our meals.

Jackson and Zachary's Words of Wisdom

Zachary Talks to the Animals

The boys were on Spring Break from school and, as usual, they were in the office playing on the other computer while I was trying to work one evening. Strange things seem to go through Zachary's mind and you never know what he will say or when.

"Dad, Bailey knows how to talk", he told me.

"Oh, really", I answered.

"Yeah", continued, "I asked Bailey if he wanted to come in and he nodded his head 'yes'. I saw him do it".

"Oh, that's good", I replied, "Can you tell Bailey to stop pooping on the patio?".

The Book Corner

My latest book is titled "Beginning C# Objects". It is my first collaborative work with another author. My job was to help convert her "Beginning Java Objects" book to the C# programming language. This book is coming out in May 2004.

Technical Java

"Technical Java" New for 2003. This book shows how Java can be used for scientific and engineering programming applications.

C# Programmer's Reference

"C# Programmer's Reference" Gives the reader the core information needed to move to the C# programming language.

Java Event Handling

"Java Event Handling" is the only Java reference book that provides comprehensive details of the Java event model.

Java Programmer's Reference

"Java Programmer's Reference"
is 1200 pages of useful information and examples about the core elements of the Java language.

My email address is grantepalmer@msn.com

Last updated: May 09, 2004

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