Michael Fairley 730 Chester Street Oakland, CA 94607 US mfairley@geocities.com |
Primary Phone:510-763-9115 URL: http://www.abs-1.com http://www.pilgrimbcsm.org http://www.newhopesb.org |
Web Developer | Michael V Fairley |
OBJECTIVE | Implementing my skills and
knowledge in a strong and supportive environment, I am looking for an excellent opportunity to utilize my creative energy to it's fullest. My major strengths are devotion to quality, aggressive continuous learning, and the ability to use creative resources for problem solving. I believe that quality customer
TARGET JOB | Desired Job Type: | Employee, Contract |
Desired Status: | Full-Time |
Salary: | $76,800.00 USD Per Year |
Site Location: | On-Site |
Career Level: | Mid Career (3+ years of experience) |
Date of Availability: |
TARGET COMPANY | Company Size: | Open |
Category: | Internet/E-Commerce |
TARGET LOCATIONS | Relocate: | Yes |
US-AZ | US-AZ-Flagstaff | US-AZ-Phoenix |
US-AZ-Tucson | US-CA | US-CA-Sacramento |
US-CA-San Francisco | US-CO | US-CO-Boulder/Fort Collins |
US-CO-Colorado Springs | US-CO-Denver | US-TX-Austin |
US-TX-Dallas | US-CA-Oakland/East Bay | US-CO-Denver South |
WORK STATUS | US | I am authorized to work in this country for any employer. |
EXPERIENCE | 6/1999 - Present | Present Vivant! | Oakland, California |
Site Maintenance Engineer |
http://www.vivant.com Driving the UI design and implementation of Vivant's first application. I am working in an object-oriented design environment on a small, energetic team. Our core technology encompasses an object repository, multi-tier application servers, Java, JavaScript, and HTML. As a UI engineer I have had the opportunity to work directly with these technologies |
2/1999 - 5/1999 | Oracle | Redwood City, California |
Web Publisher |
Worked with a team to maintain the Industry Solutions intranet (20 + sites), including integration of approved content to the site, file management and site maintenance. Integrate multimedia assets and applications into the site. Total quality management of site, including evaluation of links and usability. Integration of JavaScript to maximize site's usefulness for the intended audience. Coordinate design implementation with creative staff, to match desired outcome with technological feasibility. Maintain the desired "look and feel" of the site. Maintain cross-platform and cross-browser compatibility so that the Website is accessible from a variety of different environments. |
5/1997 - Present | Access Business Solutions | Oakland, California |
Web application Developer -Partner |
http://www.abs-1.com Involved in the design and implementation of their Web Site as well as needed enhancements done to their web pages. Created a GUI design and implemented a small web-based form for the business using HTML, Java Script, MS Windows NT4 (Workstation & Server), and FrontPage. |
1/1997 - 2/1999 | MR Technologies | Hayward, California |
Laser Print Operator |
Route data files to Xerox laser printing system using the Sun UltraSparc system in a menu driven environment with periodic use of Unix commands. |
8/1987 - 1/1997 | First Image | San Jose, California |
Laser Print Operator, Programmer,Assistant Manager |
Routing of ASCII and EBCIDIC data files to the Xerox laser printing systems using Sun UltraSparc system. Used Unix commands on Sparc system in an API environment. Conserve daily production records on magnetic sixteen hundred density computer tapes. Created basic operation forms and production procedures. Insured of data quality control, and managed 4 -10 operators including upper level management. Knowledge Of command files, operation releases, programming JSL and FSL source code languages. |
5/1985 - 9/1987 | Stanford University, Forsyte Hall | Stanford, California |
Laser Print Operator |
Printed data from Main Frames in an online environment using JES2 commands to control Xerox laser printers output. Operated ADDS Mentor billing System, IBM 3800 laser printer, and Kodak 250e duplicator. Also Work with MS-DOS with screen mate. |
EDUCATION | 1997 | Ziff Davis University | US-Online-Online |
Certification |
MSAccess,HTML Study Courses |
1995 | Southern Marin Bible College | US-California-Marin |
Associate Degree |
1992 | Xerox Corporation | US-California-Fremont |
Certification |
MICR Customer Maintenance, Field Service |
1989 | Laser Print Solutions, Inc. | US-California-San Carlos |
Certification |
Print/Forms Description Languages |
6/1984 | Menlo-Atherton High school | US-California-Atherton, |
High School or equivalent |
1984 | O.I.C.W | US-California-Menlo Park |
Certification |
Electronic Assembly |
SKILLS | Skill Name | Skill Level | Last Used | Experience |
JavaScript | Expert | Currently used | 3 years |
HTML | Expert | Currently used | 5 years |
Perl/CGI | Intermediate | Currently used | 2 years |
UNIX | Intermediate | +4 years ago | 8 years |
MS Access | Intermediate | 2 years ago | 1 years |
JSL & FSL | Intermediate | +4 years ago | 5 years |
Dreamweaver | Expert | Currently used | 2 years |
Epsilon 9.0 | Expert | Currently used | 1 years |
Telnet | Intermediate | Currently used | 3 years |
Sun Solaris | Intermediate | 3 years ago | 5 years |
CSS | Expert | Currently used | 1 years |
DHTML | Expert | Currently used | 2 years |
VBScript | Intermediate | Currently used | 1 years |
XML | Intermediate | Currently used | 1 years |
Windows 95/NT | Expert | Currently used | 10 years |
WS_FTP PRO | Expert | Currently used | 4 years |
JSP tag lib | Beginner | Currently used | 1 years |
Java | Beginner | Currently used | 1 years |
HomeSite | Intermediate | 1 year ago | 1 years |
FrontPage | Intermediate | 2 years ago | 1 years |
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION | Ability to work in PC and UNIX environments, and to manage web site from a client and server