Leigh's Domain
Hey my name is Leigh I am 18 I am a Model. I like to chat with people on the internet. I also like to ride horses and make webpages.. Some of my favorite things to do are swim, hang out with friends and watch dolphins at the zoo.. I collect precious moments figurines and dolphin figurines....

Some of my best friends on the internet and real life are Kristofer Pettijohn, Nick,FROGGY aka. Patrick Olson , Marty Andreasen, Brandy Johnson..If I forgot anyone let me know I will add you ASAP thanks guys for being there for me :) I love you all!!!

Now I want to tell you about my friends..

Kristofer.. well I love ya what can I say your the guy who has a good excuse for everything. But.. Your hot.. even though you think otherwise.. well thanks Kris and have fun.. :)

Nick.. well where should I start with you.. You are my best friend and I worship you tunz. and I also miss you and I miss talking to you.. I wish we had more time together.. I will always remember you :) Luv ya if u ever read this :)

Patrick, Well hey hey here we are again.. hehe thanks for comming to see me.. :) Your awesome and I might decide to take you to the store again but not for awhile haha. hope your having fun.. laterz :)

Marty You are awesome.. I could not ask for a better friend you are always there when I need you you only live a block from me so your close to home and reliable.. when I need something you are always right there.. I tell you everything that goes on in my life.. I am glad I have you as a friend!! You are very special to me.. In alot of ways.. thank you marty..

Brandy, hey hey what's up?? Just thought to add you to my website cuz yer the best.. you crack me up!! Nice to have you for a lil sis!!


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