See our Wedding Pictures!

Bud and I met on IRC and wanted to share our experience with everyone. Some IRC relationships work but many do not. We were very lucky and are very very happy with each other. We won't kid you and say it is easy, changing your lives totally and starting fresh but our happiness we feel and life we know we will have together for the rest of our lives makes all the hardwork and struggles worth it to us.
It helps us appreciate what we have that much more.

Ray & Sadie


There is a song that we feel was almost written for us .... Keeper of the Stars by Tracy Byrd. We feel it was no accident that we met and that there was help from the Keeper of the stars.

Bud moved here to Pennsylvania to be with me in August of 1997. He realized he needed to be happy in his life and he felt moving here and being happy is what he needed to do. It was also the hardest thing he has had to do..... he misses his kids immensely but realizes they are growing up and moving out on their own soon.

I wish Budro could be with his children more. That is the hardest thing on both of us. Bud has 3 boys. One in Florida 34, he has a step son, 2 other sons and a daughter. His other sons are 25 and 22and are in Chicago.

I don't think Bud will ever know how much I appreciate all he has given up so that we can be happy. He is still searching for the perfect job, wants to get into the computer field. Would really like to work out of the house. He is a very smart man. He has helped many people on MIRC with scripts and questions that they have. He is commonly referred to as the BOTMAN :).

We have met so many wonderful people on line. Many we feel closer to than some members of our family. We call them sis and bro because we feel they are like brothers and sisters to us. Their friendship and caring is very very important to us and we hope to meet everyone of them someday. Some we have met and had wonderful visits with.

Although this is a rough transition for Bud emotionally my hopes are to make him the happiest man in the world. His kids have come to visit us and I am getting to know them so much better now. They see how happy he is they will hopefully happy for him and now seem to accept me. We have 4 wonderful grandchildren from Bud's oldest son.

Budro is my life... my best friend. I don't know what I would do with out him. He does so much for me to let me know I am appreciated by him. Brings me flowers for special occasions. We have the same likes and dislikes. Just putting up with me sometimes is a way that he shows he really loves me.

What I want Bud to know and everyone in the world to know. It is not material things in this world that should make us happy. What makes me happy is having the love of a good, caring, supportive man that worries about me, takes care of me and enjoys having a good laugh and spending time with me. I want to thank Bud for helping me so much during my Illness in 2003, where by the help of him and all our friends and families prayers and a wonderful surgeon I am able to still be here with him.

No matter where our life takes us I will be happy as long as I am with him.

Talking with my friends on the internet before I met Bud raised my self esteem and made me realize I am a good person and there is a better life out there for me. Since I met Budro it has been even better.

The first song Bud ever sang to me was by Alabama called The Closer You Get. They are our favorite group. Bud introduced them to me. We love going to their concerts and belong to their fan club. Alabama is only one of the many likes that Bud and I have in common. We both love to Bowl, Computers, traveling - especially to meet our IRC friends/family, watching Nascar even though we follow 2 different drivers - I used tolike Jeff Gordon #24 and Bud roots for Jeff Burton #30 a 2 jeff family here,but I root more for Michael Waltrip now, karioke (well bud sings, I watch LOL),but most of all we like doing things together.

Bud and I got married July 11,2000 - it was a very special day with our closest friends which you see on the section about our wedding pictures. It was a small ceremony but very special.

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Good place to go for bot and mirc scripts
Our Favorite Band - Alabama
Our Efnet Channel Web Page - #40Playland
To see the latest in Nascar

Delaware Valley Weimaraner Club and Rescue This is where we found Ray and Sadie

Bud's Bot Manual