Neil Spurgeon's Teaching Materials
January 2009

Please click here for family history information

February 2009 - Regrettably many of this links are now failing (marked 'dead' below) but thanks for taking what you needed over the past 10 years that we have been 'up' here and I'll try to keep the others alive as long as I can and will look in from time to time to see if anyone (apart of course from Surjan) is still using my stuff.

West Sussex Materials 2001-2004:
'dead' ecdl Testing Materials

Course Materials Autumn 2001:
GNVQ Intermediate ICT
National Diploma Computing 2001 - 2003
National Diploma in Computing (Business ICT)
National Diploma in Computing (Networking and ICT Support)
'dead' National Diploma in Computing (Software Development)
'dead' Higher National Certificate IT and Computing
Southampton University Level One Computer Networks (jc155/f)

Older Materials

'dead' Key Skills Test Preparation Materials

GNVQ Intermediate ICT Sep 2000 - July 2001
'dead' National Diploma in Computing Year One 2000 ~ 2001
National Diploma Computer Studies Year Two 2000 - 2001
Higher National Certificate Computing and IT 2000 - 2001
Southampton University Level One Computer Networks (jc155/g) Feb - May 2001
'dead' Southampton University Level Two Data Communications & the Internet (jc260) Feb - May 2001

Even Older Materials
National Diploma Computing and IT Apps Year One 1999 ~ 2000
'dead' National Diploma IT Applications Year Two 1998 ~ 2000
'dead' National Diploma Computer Studies Year Two 1998 ~ 2000
'dead' Higher National Certificate Computing and IT Year One 1999 ~ 2001
Southampton University Computer Networks (jc155/f) Oct - Dec 2000
Monthly Technology updates July 99 - August 2000