Jiri's PalmPilot Page

This page was modified on 30.10.2001

Hello, my name is Jiri Bruza.I live in Czech republic. I'm working for a datacommunications company.

You can register it on


Master SMS 1.8

Master SMS is a program for SMS Management. It supports IrDA
mobile phone or mobile phone with a serial connection to Palm.

You can see more information by clicking HERE . This program is shareware, demo version of the program has only one limitation: You can send up to 50 chars long SMS message only. (Message longer than 50 chars are divided to multiple 50 chars long messages.) .
If you like this application you can buy full version MasterSMS at Kagi Services (www.kagi.com). Registration fee is $16,90.

Download Master SMS demo       Kagi Online registration or PalmGear registration


Master SMS 2.0 

New generation  of Master SMS . Add more features as color support , jog dial support , 7 and 8 bit  message support and so ..

You can found more information about it  at http://www.geocities.com/jiza68/MasterSMS2.html


mail: Jiri Bruza