Kumara Swamy Reddy Mettu 
                                                                                                (Sun Certified Prorammer for Java2 platform)

A graduate from Regional Engineering College Warangal, working at ITSolutions India Pvt. Ltd., Tomy credit I am the winner of national level software design contest organised by Regional Engineering College Warangal and sponsered by D.E.Shaw&Co. I have reported some new Bugs in JDK1.1& JDK1.2 toSun MicroSystems.

Mettu's Works:
Work Version Implemented using Prizes
Earth on Your Desktop 1.0(1998 March) jdk1.1.5 1st prize in National level software Design Contest Organized by Regional Engineering College, Warangal and D.E.Shaw Hyderabad.


Mettu's Java Links:

1. Enterprise Java Beans
2. Remote Method Invocation
3. Corba.
4. Servlets
5. JNI
Get My Resume 

             Contact me @ mksreddy@yahoo.com