Sam I Am's Desktop Themes

To use my Desktop Themes you need Windows 95 with Plus! and an unzipping program such as WinZip or 123 ZIP!.
Below is a list of the various shareware and freeware programs I used to create my themes. You can download them from or their homepages.

Create-A-Theme 98
MicroAngelo 98

All my themes come with startup and shutdown screens to replace the Win 95 clouds that you see when starting and shuting down your computer.
Directions for installing the startup/shutdown screes are located in the readme file of each theme. I recommend using Theme Logo Changer. It's a freeware program that allows you to change your startup screens as easily and as often as you change your desktop theme!

Theme Categories

Themes of the Xenaverse
Joxer, Ares, and Young Hercules themes.
Young Hercules Theme added on January 16, 1999
Julius Caesar theme added May 31, 1999

Disney Themes
Magic Kingdom Theme
Epcot Theme added on January 16, 1999
Wilderness Lodge Theme added June 19, 1999

Celebrity Themes
Joe McIntyre Theme.

Links to other Theme sites

As of August 7, 1998
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