Alejandro Luque
We'll pass the eyes
Of the starry skies
Into the hoar deep to colonise:
Death, Chaos and Night
From the sound of our flight
Shall flee, like mist from a tempest's might.
(P. B. Shelley)

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 Welcome to my personal home page on the Internet. This page is intended to be a place to make my programming creations accesible to the world. Everything you see in this site is free software; this means that you can use, modify and redistribute it by any way you want. However, if you decide to modify the code, I beg you to maintain some kind of credit, as well as e-mail me to notify your changes and/or addings. Some of the programs listed below produce output for English-spoken users others are intended to be handled by Spanish-spoken people. Anyway, I'll be working to make versions of my programs for both languages. A problem exists for those who speak English not as their natural language (as me): should they prefer to make their creations accesible to the greater ammount of people by using English or should they use their mother language to feel more comfortable and promote its use around the world?. Probably, the ideal solution for this problem is to choose both of the possibilities and maintain versions of the  program in two or more languages. But this implies more work and more time (and translating is sometimes a really boring work). Anyway, it was the choose I made, but you'll have to forgive me if I cannot do it in time (so much to do, so very few time in life...).

 The two programming languages I have most worked with  are C and Java, but I am also attracted by  the intrinsic beauty of some other smart languages as LISP. Here you will find a small LISP interpreter, zlisp,  a yet unfinished chess player, ARUBA, some C programs that illustrate the Monte Carlo method and the calculus of the virial coefficients and some toy Java applets. Pick the one you think will interest you.
 zlisp is a small, Java made LISP interpreter that you can run inside your web browser. Documentation about LISP and the interpreter itself, as well as some examples are provided. Interesting features of zlisp are its graphics abilities, that include a LOGO-like turtle system and the possibility of create new LISP operators by invoking Java methods 
Aruba  Medium level chess player. Althought still unfinished, I decided to put it on the internet along with its full source code (for the GNU C compiler) for people interested on chess programming. Soon in this page you will also find some interesting links to other related resources (sites where you will find other chess players and papers aboud programming a chess player (Spanish)
Java Applets
 Those are some applets you can view directly from your web browser. All of them have their source available: 
  • Plasma: Awful applet that shows the evolution of a set of charged particles (Spanish & English).
  • Life: A demonstration of the well-known cellular automata first developed by John H. Conway (Spanish & English).
  • Stereograms: Creates random dot stereograms.
  • Ising: Simulation of a two-dimensional Ising model with an introduction to the study of ferromagnetism. (Spanish only) 
 Computes up to the sixth virial coefficient in a reasonable time using the Ree & Hoover procedure (J. Chem. Phys, 1964) to reduce the number of integrals and the Monte Carlo method to compute each integral. Source code available (Spanish & English).
 Bidimensional Monte Carlo Ising model simulator. Fastly computes magnetization for any value of given temperature and external magnetic field in an Ising model ferromagnetic lattice. Critical as well as hystheresis phenomena can be easily observed. Fully configurable and commented in English and Spanish. Needs the GNU C compiler as well as the GNU C Library.
 BLA (Basic Language Articulator) is a random sentences generator. It allows the user to define complex grammars by the use of a simple but powerful language. Examples of files for creating spanish insults and compliments (piropos) are provided along with a protable source code (no binaries) supposed to work on any port of the GNU C compiler (needs the GNU C library).

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 Please, e-mail me for any comments, suggestions etc.