Hi there, my name is Gerry and I am a computer programmer and computer educator who lives in central Victoria in the wonderful country of Australia. I am a big fan of Microsoft Visual Basic. This web page is dedicated to programming in VB and will contain a series of useful links to VB websites around the internet. Also covered will be information and links about ASP(Active Server Pages) and programming ActiveX controls with Visual Basic.

I have also included a "Site of the Month" category for new sites that I find particularly of interest. If you wish your site listed and I think it is a good one, please email me and I will happily list it as a site of the month.

Basically, if I find a site that is really useful for web design, I add a link to it. This site also includes links to Javascript, Multimedia as well as a few humorous sites. I hope you enjoy the visit.

View my resume.
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