Malek Ali
Head of  Mobile Content
Maxis Comunications
Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
Day job:
What's the deal here?
So what are your areas of interest?
Mobile telecommunications, media,  marketing (especially the maverick kind), Internet, entrepreneurship, education, national economic strategies for South-East Asian economies.
So what can we expect?
Hopefully some thought provoking writing (some published, mostly not) that gives a  glimpse on my thought process and philosophical leanings. Currently, articles are a bit skewed towards those related to Malaysia, but I hope to address the imbalance in the next few months, particularly the business section.
Contact details
No entry to sensitive politicians, Internal Security Act agents, and people who take themselves too seriously.
Just a small attempt at building a repository of thoughts and ideas on various topics of interest
Today, too late? - article published in Business Times on the impact of launch of Today on the Singapore media market
3G licence for Mediaring? - note to MediaRing investors encouraging them to bid for Singapore 3G licence
  Profile snapshot
Favourite publications  :
The Economist, Asian Wall Street Journal, Business 2.0, Fortune
Favourite personalities  :
Herbert Kelleher, Scott Cook, Paul Krugman, Lee Kuan Yew, Dr Mahathir Mohamad in the 80's .
Least favourite personalities :
Dr. Mahathir Mohamad in the 90's, Joseph Estrada,
Education highlights  :
Harvard Business School, USA (MBA, 1993-1995)
Gray's Inn, UK (Bar School, 1989-1990)
Bristol University, UK (law, 1986-1989)
Charterhouse, UK (A-levels, 1983-1985)
United World College of South-East Asia, Singapore (O-Levels, 1978-1983)
Career highlights :
Maxis Communications (mobile telcom, 2003-now) (online recruitment,1999-2003)
KL Classifieds (publication, 1997-1999),
The Boston Consulting Group (management consulting, 1994, 1995-1997),
Allen & Overy (law firm, 1990-1993),
Favourite TV shows  :
Frasier, Desperate Housewives, Monk, The Practice, 24, Walking With The Dinosaurs,  X-Files, West Wing, Ed, The Gilmore Girls
Favourite pastimes :
Entertaining the kids, relaxed dinners with old friends, some quiet time with the Economist over the week-end.
Beggar thy neighbour - attempt at quantifying the economic impact of sour relations between Malaysia and Singapore (published in Sun)
Damn the commuters - a commentary on Kuala Lumpur's ineffective transportation system
Malaysian Entrepreneur Thinks Secret of Success is Classified - an AWSJ profile of my first  entrepreneurial endeavour
Who's the Batman?

To find out, check out this
Asian Wall Street Journal article.
So you want  to reform the education system?- Article published in The Edge magazine attempting to resolve the Malaysian education crisis.
Baptism by fire - a note penned for the 5th year reunion of the Class of 1995 of Harvard Business School on things done since  graduation
Last revised: 4 April 2004

Damn the new voters- A short, terse article written on the eve of the Malaysian general elections in November 1999.
Watch your back Visa, Vodafone is after your lunch - article on potential of mobile phone companies to become future payment networks
Press coverage
"Taking the job search abroad" - article in Business Times (Singapore, December 2001)
Beyond Careers - Feedback to Singapore Economic Review Committee on creating an entrepreneurial culture in Singapore