Welcome to

Virtual Home

    Well let me tell you frankly. Building a webpage is quiet a complicated job when the subject matter is unknown. This one I figured out after a long time. Anyway thankx for your visit. I am doubtful whether this page will help you in any way. But let me promise you - I will keep 'trying' to make this one useful. So do visit again. Although I am unable to add anyhthing useful for quiet sometime ;-)


Still interested ? Then you can get my details by clicking here. But then what you will do with that !


I am Ghazal lover. For some unknown reasons I like Pankaj Udhas more than anyone else, in this domain. You can find some of his ghazals in real audio format in my SONGS page. There are other kinds of songs there also.


Well, my other hobby is that of electronics. There are lot of special webpages on the net where you can get very good stuff. Some great links on this subject can be found here.


Here are some cool pictures for desktop wallpapers.


Here is the link to my LEGO Robotics page.

[Myself] [Songs] [Electronics] [Other Links]

[Wallpapers] [Lego]

Ashim Biswas, 1999

Last revised: October 16, 2002.