A Small Number of My Many Technical Articles From FRL
L. Chen.  A selected tour of the theory of identification matrices.  Theoretical Computer Science, 240:299--318, 2000.
L. Chen, J. Y. Jiang, and M. T. Nyeu.  Provably fastest parallel algorithms for bipartite permutation graphs.  Parallel Processing Letters, 9:385--390, 1999.
L. Chen.  Graph isomorphism and identification matrices: Sequential algorithms. Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 59:450--475, 1999.   
L. Chen.  Optimal computation of shortest paths on doubly convex bipartite graphs.  Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 38:1--12, 1999.
S. G. Akl and L. Chen.  On the power of some PRAM models.  Parallel Algorithms and Applications, 13:307--319, 1999.
L. Chen.  Efficient parallel recognition of some circular arc graphs, II.  Algorithmica, 17:266--280, 1997.
L. Chen.  Improving space efficiency for a family of operations.  Information Sciences, 95:49--57, 1996.
L. Chen and R. Schott.  Optimal operations on red-black trees.  International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, 7:227--239, 1996. (an implementation is included in this program)
S. G. Akl and L. Chen.  Efficient parallel algorithms on proper circular arc graphs.  IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, E79-D:1015--1020, 1996.
L. Chen.  Partitioning graphs into Hamiltonian ones.  Parallel Computing, 22:607--618, 1996.
L. Chen.  Graph isomorphism and identification matrices: Parallel algorithms.  IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 7:308--319, 1996.
L. Chen.  Solving the shortest-paths problem on bipartite permutation graphs efficiently.  Information Processing Letters, 55:259--264, 1995.
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