The Phoenix Arises - Viable Alternatives to the Microsoft Platform

A publication by Gavin Gregor Young. E-mail | This Site's Purpose | Operating System Varieties | My Re'sume'

Visit the Operating System Varieties link for information on numerous operating system alternatives to the Microsoft platform! That link also has an editorial on operating system and hardware trends. That page was updated on December 27, 2002.

See below for a powerful search engine enabling you to easily find more information on alternatives to the Microsoft/Wintel platform!

Updated on August 10, 1999 - News!

Archives of "The Phoenix Arises"

Other Highly Informative Sites

For links to other excellent web sites with news (and rumors that often come true) about Mac OS X Server and OpenStep, the iMac/PowerPC Platform, Linux, and the new Amiga platform, visit the following:

MacSurfer (Mac news links) at:
Mac OS X Server information at:
Stepwise OpenStep (Mac OS X) WWW Information Server at:
Amiga Inc. (subsidiary of Gateway Computers) at:
General computer news at at:
OS News at:

News, stock quotes, and stock charts about Apple Computer can be found at Yahoo! Finance - AAPL.

The search engine below will overwhelm you with the number of hits! A standard but still powerful search engine appears on the Current News page.

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Here is a website that sells alternative platform computers, such as Amiga, Atari ST, Commodore 128 (which can run CP/M), Macintosh, and others. The website also sells solar energy products.

Collectible Computers (& Solar Products) for Sale

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Copyright © 1997, 1998, 1999, and 2002 by Gavin Young
All rights reserved

"The Phoenix Arises - Viable Alternatives to the Microsoft Platform," "The Phoenix Arises - News Analysis of Apple Computer," "Gavin Young's Investment Information Service," and "Gavin Young's Investment Timer Reports" are trademarks of Gavin Young.