site is optimized for Internet Explorer 4.0 and higher. For best viewing
Please use a monitor setting of 800x600 high color 16 bit resolution
to my graphics site.
I have created custom graphics and
background sets that I hope you will find
useful on your own pages.
If you have an idea, but need help
creating it just e-mail me.
Right now I have a limited amount of
graphics to offer, but you are free
to use what I have. All I ask is that
you provide a link back to me.

Link back to:
To save any of the
graphics you find
on my pages, right click with you mouse
and choose "save image as" and save
the image to the hard drive
on your computer.
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I also offer Web Site
Click below to learn more.
There will be much more to come as
as I free up more time.
Visit Often!
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If you have a
moment jump over
to my other site, SkyBar

page was last updated: 02/21/02

Copyright © 1999-2002 Kara Hollabaugh.
All Rights Reserved.