Welcome to the Finkenbinder Family Homepage!

My name is Brooke. I am the creator and maintainer of this Homepage. I am married, and my wifes name is Keri. We have a beautiful daughter named Haley, but don't take our words for it, check out some pictures.
Keri and I went to Luray, VA for our 3rd Anniversary, April 2000. Check out some of the photos.
We also got a new car in March 2000. Check it out
Are You Ready For Some Football!!
Are You Ready For Some (Loser?) Football!!
Computers & Technology has always been one of my favorite subjects and I've collected some stuff that I think you'll be interested in. So, please take a look around and enjoy yourself.
Ever wonder How Stuff Works? Check it out.
Looking for a computer job?. Check out these sites:
If you know of any other good sites, please let me know and I will be sure to add them to my page.
Want to get in touch with me?
Email me!bkhfink@aol.com
or at itfinbd@ngic.osis.gov
Updated 13 Sep 00