New Location for Onkle Doug Website

My OnkleDoug Homepage Helper website got dumped when I was unable to access the internet for a few months, early in 2004. It is now available on a dedicated server site: so give it a try!

To get to any of my other websites, just surf to the pointer page, either here on Geocities, or at my new dedicated website.

To block spam e-mails, download the following trial software: MailWasher Free -- You'll be glad you did! (Click here to join the MailWasher affiliate program!) Or try Firetrust Benign, to battle spam that hasn't even been invented yet:

To sign up for a domain name or set up a website, go to One and One, for the best service (and prices) available.

This page set up August 15, 2004 provide pointers to the new
locations of the Onkle Doug website and to all the others.

Direct comments, suggestions to:
Onkle Doug (onkle[NOSPAM]
[Be sure to remove the "[NOSPAM]" from the address before clicking on
the "Send" button in your e-mail program! The first part of the address should read "onkledoug" - all lower case, no spaces, etc.]