Marias Homepage

Software for WIN98
- Video Alarm: you got a camera and a frame grabber? test
this awful security tool! BEEPS when something moves in
the cameras field of view. needs 320*240,24 bit colour
frames, 60kb. Download
- Video Tracker: you got a camera and a frame grabber? this
tool is able to follow and display the position of
objects. try a white ball on a dark table or an aircraft
in the sky. needs 320*240,24 bit colour frames, 60kb,
zipped to 25kb. Download
- Digiscope: Want a logic analyzer? get this and connect
your probe to the parallel port. 5 channel, as fast as
your pc gets, save your measurements in files. 55 kb
- RemPen: This one is in test phase. sends joystick data
over the internet. if you have a force feedback joystick
you must test this! have jour joystick moved by someone a
thousand miles away! (a must for serious "XXX"
videoconference users) Really works now! (since 16.7.99)
but is rather shaky. 60 kb Download
- AmpsRead: ever wondered about which serial number your
neighbours cellphone has? Ask him! its not fair to read
this data over the air with a scanner and a soundcard.
So, this programm is not recommended, and will not be
distributed, even not for educational purposes only! mailto:
- PortScan: The newest product, quite simple yet. Scans
the TCP ports on your machine to find remote acess tools
like BO, NetBus, etc. Run this in the background with no
internet or lan connection and you will be warned of any
open port into your machine. Test this for me and give me
some feedback! Tested with BO (31337) and Hack'a'Tack
(31791 + 31789) 19 kb Download
Other Stuff
- Dont expect someting perfect here! See the Sources
- Text file about what i know on NMT900 Cellphones:
- Connecting a stepper motor to the parallel port:
- Link to Carl: Nice
Videos and other stuff
- Link to Codeguru: Lots of Visual C Sources
- The Cow Link: Remote Administration and Textfiles
- The Fast Link: Buffer Overflow Exploit and More
- The Heavy Industries Link: Mastering AMPS
- My Sister Nubia or my Family
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Last Update 30.06.99
The software is completely FREE and may not be sold. You are invited to see or modify
the software sources at your will. your feedback is welcome. (All Sources Visual C)
The pictures are of private nature. you are not allowed to redistribute or modify them.