Windows Programming using MFC But No AppWizard

Welcome to my Windows Programming Site

On here you'll find some information about how I write Windows Applications (WinApps) in C++ using the Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC). I decided to put up this site because it took me a lot time and effort in order just to get to a stage where I was happy with the way in which I was producing programs, and looking around the internet I couldn't actually find any other sites giving details of similar techniques.

This is because WinApps are big complicated things, and to make one is more than just a case of writing a bit of code. How you go about doing it varies enormously on the languange, tools and methodology that you use.

This stuff here now is fairly complete as it stands, but not eactly polished, so if it interests you then come back occasionally and it should improve.

If you've got any comments, queries or suggestions about this site, then please e-mail john at:

j c 2 3 3 3 AT h o t m a i l . c o m

NB: This is written in this format to stop automatic collection by web crawlers. To use just take out the spaces and replace the 'AT' with an '@'.

What you'll find on this site

This page was first opened 12 March 1999.
Last update was on 21 May 1999.

Contact john, the site maintainer at:

j c 2 3 3 3 AT h o t m a i l . c o m

(To use remove the spaces and replace the 'AT' with an '@')
