Golden Bytes Computer Club
Club Goals & Orientation

The Golden Bytes Computer Club - GBCC - is for anyone who has an interest in improving their use of their computer for any purpose -- word processing,e-mail, news groups, web surfing, creating a web site, setting up or using data bases or spread sheets, Internet banking and on-line shopping, learning software, playing games -- whatever! We meet at the Willamalane Adult Activity Center. Phone the center at (541) 736-4444 if you have any questions. Rachelle Owen is the Center's Computer Program Coordinator and will answer any question or point you in the right direction. Or email Rachelle: rachelleo@willamalane.org

The GBCC has a dedicated group of sophisticated and knowledgeable computer users - and even new users who want to learn how to turn a computer on or use a mouse! - who are keen to help others overcome difficulties encountered with their computers.

The GBCC generally holds meetings with a guest speaker who presents detailed or general information about computing, and then answers questions.  Before and after the talk, there is opportunity for members to get to know each other, to exchange ideas and to discuss problems and solutions.

Speakers provide a free flow of fascinating and useful information, and are patient and helpful in answering questions.

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