
This is just a very short start for me to get myself on the web.

Who am I

My name is Paul Adams. I live in Eden Hill, a suburb of Perth, Western Australia.

I am married (and happily so) to Susan, who I met in 1988 and married in 1989. We did the unusual thing of getting married before we set up house and had children.

And talking about children, Susan and I have two, both girls. Chloe was born in March 1992 and Phoebe was born in November 1993. We always planned to have two children, unless the second was twins! We wanted the children to be close to each other in age so they would be good companions for each other. So far this seems to have worked. They have their occasional arguments, but generally get on very well with each other. When we first proposed that they have separate rooms, neither wanted to be away from the other. However, when we moved to Eden Hill, they were able to have a room each. While they initially enjoyed this, they soon wanted to go back into a shared room.

What is it all about?

I am a computer programmer with an interest in almost anything!

I love knowledge in all forms and love provoking conversations that cause people to think about more than their mundane every day existence. I have a strong interest in matters eternal, and really love having comparative religious discussions. I have good Moslem, Jewish, Buddhist and Christian friends and do business with people of several other religions. I am a Christian myself, but while moderately fundamental in my beliefs, have extremely liberal views on other religions. This does seem to put me at odds with some other Christians...

I hope to use this page to meet people with whom to discuss many things with. If you hold to any religious belief, I would love to discuss things with you. If you have an interest in computers, cars and vehicle technology, space travel, science fiction, technology, ethics, languages (human languages, that is) or almost anything else and would enjoy some thought provoking discussions, give me an email.

Where do I work?

I work for a company called OSPAT Pty Ltd. They make computerised impairment testing systems, and I design and write the software to support them. OSPAT was formed by an engineering company called Romteck (yes, with a K) who developed the OSPAT system at the suggestion of another company.

You may like to visit their web sites:

Romteck Pty Ltd

As many of you will not know the layout of Perth, Western Australia, I will give you a bit of an introduction to my home town.

Eden Hill - the place I currently live - is a suburb of Perth, the capital city of the state of Western Australia, which is the biggest state in Australia. To give you a scope of the size of this state, it is almost 4 times the size of Texas, being equal in area to about 28% of the land area of the continental United States. However, well over 90% of the state's population lives within 50km of Perth.

Perth and its suburbs sprawl for well over 100km along the coastal plane at the foot of the Darling Ranges, a small hill range that rises from the coastal plane, about 20km inland. Eden Hill is located to the north (and slightly east) of Perth city, about 10km from the city.

Previously, we lived in Armadale. Armadale is about 28km south east of the city, at the base of the Darling Range. However, I work in Osborne Park, which is about 7km north west of the city. This made my trip to work a 40km drive, with the same distance back home again. Also, my parents live in Bassendean, which is about 9km north (and slightly east) of the city, placing them 35 minutes drive away from Armadale.

As my parents are getting older, we (Susan and I) figured that it was time to be closer to them. We sold our house in Armadale and moved to Eden Hill at the end of January 2004. As Eden Hill is the neighbouring suburb to Bassendean, we are now only 5 minutes away from them. This is also much closer to work, being an easy 20 minute drive in either direction in rush-hour traffic.

How can you contact me?

My email address is which is probably the safest way to get me!

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