<BGSOUND SRC="aintgoindowntillthesuncomesup.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Playing on this blasted computer that my loving wife just hates.. LOL
and Hangin out on mIRC collecting  wavs, when I am online that is where I am usually spending my time.
Click the arrow to continue to meet my family and learn a little about us.
Click this second arrow and go directly to my wavs page where soon you will be able to download everyone of my wavs(afer I clean out the garbage)
Click this arrow and go to our "memorials" page our place to remember our lost but never forgotten friends
Hi and welcome to my website, the place to learn a little about me and my family and what our interests are .
This is my home and my house or where I live is simply my humble meager existance in the real world.
Feel free to snoop around my site just watch your heads and your step, this site is constantly under construction and ever changing so don't let the crane get you.
Comments or Ideas please contact me.
Jossan-A really good friend and great web designer..  Thanks Jo
The Gremlin-Another really good friend I have had the pleasure of knowing for many years.
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MP3cableclassicrock,homepage for the best channel on mIRC..
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Follow this link to go to the moose's memorial page.
This page is dedicated to her memory as she will never be forgotten....                             We all miss you very much moosey.
Click here to meet Sarah (The Moose)
See me live on my webcam. View My Webcam
See me live on my webcam.