My Resume  
    Patrick Moss August 12, 1999  
  2223 N Evergreen Street  
  Phoenix, AZ 85006-1732  
  (602) 238-9242  
    Skill Set Summary    
Table of Contents
My top 20 computer programming skills are listed in the table below. Note that I have substantial computer programming experience — including ten years with Cobol and several years with various other computer languages and environments. And I earned an MS degree in computer science — with major research in relational databases and operating systems.
        My Top 20 Computer  Yrs   Skill Level   IBM Hands-On Computer
        Programming Skills: Exp: Scale(1 to 5): Classes:   $  Tuition:

IBM  1. Cobol Programming    10    5 out of 5      4       $ 4,300.00  IBM
IBM  2. DB2/SQL Programming   3    3 out of 5      9       $ 9,430.00  IBM
IBM  3. IMS Programming       3    3 out of 5      4       $ 5,030.00  IBM
IBM  4. CICS Trans Process    2    3 out of 5      4       $ 5,450.00  IBM
IBM  5. MQ Series Messaging   1    3 out of 5      4       $ 4,675.00  IBM
IBM  6. Internet Programming  5    4 out of 5      8       $11,555.00  IBM
IBM  7. Java Programming      1    3 out of 5      5       $ 6,720.00  IBM
IBM  8. Windows NT/95/98      5    3 out of 5      2       $ 2,990.00  IBM
IBM  9. AS/400 Programming    2    3 out of 5      9       $13,453.00  IBM
IBM 10. RS/6000 AIX/Unix      2    3 out of 5      4       $ 7,700.00  IBM
IBM 11. OS/390 MVS/JCL/VSAM   3    3 out of 5      5       $ 7,695.00  IBM
    12. Fortran Programming   5    4 out of 5     ==       ==========
    13. PL/1 Programming      5    3 out of 5     58 TOTAL $78,998.00
    14. C Programming         5    4 out of 5     ==       ==========
    15. C++ Programming       2    3 out of 5
    16. IDS Programming       5    4 out of 5
    17. Microsoft Access      3    4 out of 5
    18. Visual Basic Prog     3    4 out of 5
    19. Peachtree Acctg       2    4 out of 5
    20. Asm Programming       5    4 out of 5

IBM — 58 Advanced Computer Programming Classes    
In addition to more than ten years of daily on-the-job mainframe computer programming experience — I have recently completed fifty-eight (58) hands-on IBM advanced computer programming classes — direct from the experts at IBM Learning Services — in eleven popular technical areas.  

For more details, see my Computer Programming Skills 1. thru 11. above, and the Addendum section of my Resume.

These advanced computer programming classes, direct from IBM, provide comprehensive hands-on training with the highest quality, most up-to-date software and professional computer programming skills available anywhere in the world!

During in-class computer programming labs, we used the very latest IBM computers and IBM licensed software to solve numerous business problems.

From this substantial effort — I have mastered many of the very latest hands-on computer programming skills for Mainframe, Midrange, PC, and Internet applications — that IBM has to offer its customers.

And I have accumulated a valuable reference library of more than 100 of the very latest IBM reference manuals, user guides, and working tools.

Why not choose an IT PRO — with all of these up-to-date, hands-on IBM advanced computer programming skills, computer science education, and more than ten years of programming experience — to help program and support your application software needs.

Questions and Answers         

   1. What type of position are you looking for specifically? Cobol Mainframe Programmer
   2. What annual salary do you want? $40K/yr to $50K/yr for W2 full-time work in Arizona
   3. Are you willing to work as a contractor? Yes  
   4. What hourly rate do you want? $50/hr for 1099 contract work in Arizona  
   5. When will you be available to work? September 6, 1999  
   6. Are you authorized to work in the USA? Yes  
   7. Are you a US citizen? Yes  
   8. Are you willing to travel? Yes  
   9. Are you willing to relocate? Yes  
 10. Are you willing to work anywhere in the USA? Yes but I prefer Arizona  
 11. What is your education?  MS degree in Computer Science, BS degree in Electrical
                                               Engineering, and 80% completed MS degree in Accounting
 12. Professional References:  I have twenty-five professional and personal references

Work and Location Preferences    

I contribute professionally in a wide variety of programming tasks and locations.

I am open to these work assignments and locations:

First choice: Cobol mainframe programmer  
  a. in the Phoenix valley area  
  b. or elsewhere in Arizona  
  c. or in a neighboring state such as CA, CO, NM, UT, TX, OR, WA  
  d. or anywhere in the USA  
Second choice: Cobol midrange programmer  
  a. in the Phoenix valley area  
  b. or elsewhere in Arizona  
  c. or in a neighboring state such as CA, CO, NM, UT, TX, OR, WA  
  d. or anywhere in the USA  
Third choice: Programmer with RPG IV, PL/1, Visual Basic, C, Java, HTML, and Fortran  
  a. in the Phoenix valley area  
  b. or elsewhere in Arizona  
  c. or in a neighboring state such as CA, CO, NM, UT, TX, OR, WA  
  d. or anywhere in the USA  

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