PIC Based remote control receiver/decoder/controller for Sony Discman

This page is dedicated to my first work on MicrochipPIC16F84. It's about remote control extension
of Sony Discman D-133 (model without ability of original IR control module connection). Goal of project
is to control Discman by original Sony remote controller (RM-U242 from STR-D515 Receiver in my case).
Circuit is designed to be integrated right into Discman box as shows picture. My project is motivated by
Prashant Bhandary's 'IR Receiver for Sony Remotes'.

-schematic and PCB design (built with CadsoftEagle Layout Editor)
-program source and HEX file for programmer (built with Microchip MPLAB)

-view schematic and board
-printable board file in Adobe PDF format

-inbuild snapshot

-PIP02 PIC programming software
-LUDIPIPO programmer


IC1            PIC16F84 (16C84)
IC2            SFH506-36 (Siemens)
T1-T4        BC337-16
Q1             QM 3.579 MHz
C1,C2        22pF
R1              100
R2              900
RN1         RR 6X330RB

costs: $5.8

Knowledge base:

SC546 Project - An analytical study of IR signals used by a SONY remote control
Heiko's DAT Page
Sircs description
Microchip Net resources
Here are 4 steps to help you get started with PIC programming.

Last modified 28.01.2000
send comments to jsb@chemosvit.sk

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