Welcome to the new and improved antred.com, the site is not fully finnished so if any links don't work or something just looks broken to you be a pal and let me know and I will see what I can do. The photos link will be the place that is most used and updated so if you aren't sure what to do from here try looking there.

The friends link is a collection of other sites that I visit on a somewhat regular basis.

I don't usually have a lot of time to write all my own code, but I do take the time to make some themes frome time to time and I make them avaliable to you under the themes link (themes include WordPress and kdm at the moment.)

Movies are a list of movies that I have made or been part of. One link will take you to the embeded youtube video and another link is there is you feel the need to download the movie.

The applications page is mostly so I can have a hand list of links to where I can get the programs that I recommend for windows users. If you know of a program that I might like better than the ones I have listed let me know. I do dabble in windows from time to time and it is nice to have people let me know what works and what is a waste of time.

This geocities page is used to test out code from time to time when I don't want to use one of my other servers. If you got here looking for some information about the SNEX (from any number of sites that have written about it) you can read all about it here