Du Er Nå På Kjell .R. Kjørstad's Hjemmeside

(: Føl Deg Som Hjemme :)


"Feed My lusts on the blood of the weak"




pPå (m)IRC:DALnet så Er Jeg Kjent Som Satanic_Warrior Eller Snublefot Jeg er På: #hellmasters, #Cm-chat, #Norge, #Hovedgaten, #Blackmetal, #TG-2000, #AlcatraZ-2000, #Satanist, #IRC-Crew & #Fuck_Niggers Det Var Vel Det, Hvis Du Er På DALnet en gang så...STIKK Innom!!!!!!!!!!!!




NAVN: Kjell Ruben Kjørstad

BOSTED:Jeg Bor i Kongsberg (2 mil utenfor)

ALDER: 14 år

TING JEG IKKE LIKER: Folk Som Klager Over Ting De Ikke Liker!

TING JEG LIKER: Cross, DATA(så Klart), osv.

ANDRE INTERESSER: Satanisme er min store lidenskap


Jeg Som Alle Andre må gå på skole ifølge Norges lov og som alle andre er jeg ikke alltid like begeistret for det heller men jeg har 3 flinke lærere på Tislegård ungdomsskole(kongsberg): Per-Øivind (Matte, Naturfag, Samfunnsfag og Gym), Britt (Norsk, Engelsk og KRL=kristelig livssyn & Margaret (Kunst å Håndtverk å Margaret skal ha takk for at hun er så tålmodig med meg jeg er ganske slitsom noen ganger hehe.......) sist men ikke minst REKTOR: Petter som jeg besøker på kontoret ganske ofte "koselig" det

Joey(Friends) Sin Autograf

Forklaring på det som dunker i det svarte hjerte mitt:



While it is obviously true that some teenagers, heavy metal rock fans, and some immature adults
use the inverse pentagram as nothing more than a shock-device, such people should not be confused
with sincere adherants of Satanism.

:Satanic Humanism:

The inverse pentagram is used by Satanists as a symbol of their humanist philosophy and creative individualism. This humanism, it must be emphasised, is
antithetical to that of the liberal variety, which shares with Christianity and other slave creeds the demand
for an enforced egalitarianism and universal herd-conformity.
Satanic humanism, to the contrary, recognizes the primacy of the outstanding, creative individual above the mass
(a hierarchy of human worth, in Nietzschean terms), for it is always the outstanding individual, not the inert mass,
who has been responsible for human ascent and the march of history.
The slaves creeds of the mass have displaced the individual in favor of the herd, thereby activating dysgenic and culturally retrogressive trends. Satanism is unshamedly elitist. This alone is enough to make it heretical in the eyes of Christian, Moslem, dialectical materialist and liberal humanist. Satanic humanism has been best articulated by Fredrich Nietzsche, refer especially to "Thus Spoken Zarathustra", "The Anti-Christ", "Twilight of the Idols", and "Beyond Good & Evil".
Humanism is philosophy of the Higher Man and the OverMan expresses the epitome of Satanism.

:Adversary & Accuser:

The Satanist has adopted the archetype of "Satan" because the name itself means "aversary" and "accuser".
Today we are not only the adversaries and accusers of Judaeo-Christianity, but of all levelling creeds
which stifle human biological and cultural ascent, be they religious, moral, political or philosophical. The opposition implies more than a merely negative reaction ; our stance brings us back to certain "positive principles". It is the slave creeds which are anti-life and negative ;
Satanism is the doctrine of Life-affirmed. Satanism is too often defined by Anti-Satanists, and what emerges is that which is embraced by the juvenile and the imbalanced. The stereotpye is quite different from the reality.
If Satanism is to be true in it's first principle of advancing the godhood of the individual (Nietzsche's OverMan) for example,
then it should, to be consistent, repudiate any activity which dissipates the mental and physical health of the individual, including excessive alcohol, tobacco, and drug use. "Dividing Goats from Sheep"

"It is easy to see the inverse pentagram as a diagramatic representation of a goat - the points making its horns, ears and beard. this has led to its becoming the symbol of Pan, the nature God of Greek mythology."
states an article from "Magic Pentacle"

Satanists have no problem with this defintion of the symbol, for the goat and the Goat-God are representative of fertility and vitality, implying an aspect of Satanism's Carnal Doctrine. However, the inverse pentagram also symbolizes something more than primal nature-worship ; it is that of the individual above the mass.
"And he shall separate them one from another, as a shepard divideth his sheep from the goats. And he shall set the sheep on his right, but the goats on his left." (1. _Mathew_ 25: 32-33)
That's us ; the Satanist goats. We refuse to run with the flock; We will not be herded. It is no christ that does the separating, but our own act of Will. "Creative alienation" is how some Satanists have described it.

:The Satanic Mission:

The mission of the Satanist is more than the hexing of his neighbor's livestock.
It is the advocating of the ascent of Man, which necessitates being the "adversary" and "accuser" of the presently-dominant systems which are dragging humanity back to the primal slime of undifferentiated
existence with their egalitarianism and collectivism.


"Feed My lusts on the blood of the weak"

Satanisme som sammtidsmyte

Vi mennesker har det med å missforstå ting, f.eks. satanismen som alle sier er så grusom jeg kaller meg hobby-satanist dvs. satanist/ateist. jeg har studert satanismen nøye å har kommet frem til at den ikke er ond, min konklusjon ble: "at hovedpoenget i satanismen er: du skal være den du er gjøre som du vil altså være fri" noe du også vil finne frem til hvis du leser Anton LaVey's "The Satanic Bible" jeg er nøytral til kristendommen alle skal ha SIN mening.... men jeg vil egentlig kreve at når jeg møter en kristen og forteller om min tro så skal han ikke forrakte meg jeg respekterer alles tro å mening noe som satanismen også går ut på, jeg respekterer en kristen. Jeg synes det er synd at satanismen ikke i større grad er med i skolen's undervisning det skuffer meg rett og slett. La oss ta for oss Varg Vigernes(Greven) en gal man som tenner på kirker det har ikke noe med satanisme å gjøre jeg har undersøkt å funnet ut at greven går under Ku-Klux klan(vi som dreper neger-barn) kirkebrenning går under ungdomssatanisme=folk som absolutt ikke vet hva de driver med. Se hvis du har forstått dette jeg har skrevet kan du vel være med på at: ergo"satanismen er misforstått"




http://www.adiofind.com (en fin mp3 side der er masse musikk)

http://www.musiclover.com (nok en fin side)

http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Loge/3109/mp3.htm (mp3)




Http://www.pepsi.nethop.com/ (Morten's Hjemmeside)

Http://www.geocities.com/area51/starship/3760/ (Interface sin H.P)

Http://www.home.c2i.net/steffan/ (Steffan's Hjemmeside)

Http://www.expage.com/page/krissern (Kristoffer's hjemmeside)

Http://home.c2i.net/attila/ (Attila's homepage han har mye klokt om satanisme)


http://www.satanism.net/ (satanism.net)

http://www.satanism101.com/main.htm (satanism101)

http://churchofsatan.com/ (chursh of satan)

http://www.apodion.com/vad/ (hr. vad's homepage)

http://www.image.dk/%7Evad/cosdk/index.html (CoS Denmark)

http://www.maledicta.com/lavey/ (info om LaVey)


MAIL MEG PÅ: Satanic_Warrior@u.dal.net


"Feed My lusts on the blood of the weak"


Yndlings-bandet mitt, Dimmu Borgir


"Feed My lusts on the blood of the weak"




Mail meg på: Satanic_Warrior@u.dal.net