
Welcome to Arcahan's Lair, the home page of a storyteller and a writer by hobby. From this library you will find tales and stories written both by myself and guest authors as well.
Latest Updates
Finally, at long last, an update! Schattenjäger is a story idea that I have been toying around with for a very long time, and finally, I have now begun to actually write it down. Among other things, this first chapter introduces Taffy, the little hunter who has already received several pieces of fanart to my Gallery section, too. I have also updated the Gallery, adding a great birthday present given to me by Hiddenryuu (It's Taffy, of course!). I have also added a new tune to Music section and fixed a couple of little mistakes here and there.
New stories:
Arcahan's Schattenjäger (Prologue and First tale - Chapter 1) -- My Stories, Fantasy Section
Main Menu
Main Page -- The main page of the site. From here you will find the site map as well as the recent updates. It's quite likely that you are currently browsing it.
Updates -- The archives containing not-so-recent updates.
Gallery -- A gallery containing artwork inspired by scenes and characters appearing in the tales on this site.
Music -- Music is a great source of inspiration, and from this section you can find the collection of midi-files that have helped in creating these tales... And also a handful of tunes I merely happen to like in general.
Links -- A list of links to the pages I either frequently visit or otherwise recommend.
Library -- My Tales
Fantasy --Being hopelessly in love with fantasy, I have decided to give it a section of its own.
Fanfiction -- As you know, these stories are not entirely original, but are rather based on creations of others, be it books, movies or games.
Miscellaneous -- Here you can find the assorted collection of my stories that do not really belong into any other category.
Library -- Guest Authors
Fantasy -- Fantasy written by visiting authors.
Fanfiction -- Fanfiction written by visiting authors.
Miscellaneous -- Miscellaneous stories by visiting authors, naturally.
Poetry -- Here you can find a collection of poetry. Since I don't consider myself much of a poet, it is mostly populated by guest authors.
Sign Guestbook -- Leave your personal signature to my site! Comments, compliments and (most likely) complaints are always most welcome.
Read Guestbook -- See who have visited my Lair before you.
E-mail Arcahan -- Contact the creator of this site.
This site was built for reading pleasure, and thus, it is completely non-profit. All the stories on this site belong to their respective authors and are not to be taken or altered in any way without their permission. The stories within this library were written mainly with a good taste, and thus they do not contain XXX or other such material. Nonetheless, just in case: the authors of these stories won't be responsible for any traumas or other bad influences caused to the reader, however unlikely this might be.
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