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Hi, thanks for stopping by! If you've been to my page before, you'll notice it looks different.  I finally got some time in my schedule to sit down and figure out this HTML stuff.  If you're a pro at coding and think it could be improved, or even if you just have an opinion about my page, let me know.  It'd be MUCH appreciated.  My roommate, Kyle is getting married in June, and I promised I'd try to setup a website for him and his fiancé so I need the tips.  If you're here to read my journal entries, scroll down now.  The latest entries are at the bottom.  After a week or so (knowing me it'll be, or so) I'll move them to my personal web page in an attempt to keep this page uncluttered.  The link's also at the bottom (of this section).


"in Denial, no my life's a trial..."


This is a site I just recently discovered through one of my fave web destinations - Epinions.com. Slamming site with everything you need to know about anything. Terrific for electronics geeks such as myself. But also great if you're a movie geek, music geek, travel geek, food geek (yeah, I'm those too). Like I said, everything about anything. Go check it out!


"...don't mind Admitting, i feel like quitting this job..."

This page is a copy of my old AsianAvenue page.I`ve never really been a big part of any Asian communities, online or off. Dunno why exactly. School, social life, and all the other stuff you go through in your twenties - I guess it sucks up all your time. I also have issues with joining groups - it feels a bit close-minded to me - but that's a whole other can of worms. Anyhow, this site caught my eyes and I figure it's about time I take part, or at least be aware of, the ongoing topics and thoughts of the Asian-American community. I don't know what I expect yet from this site, but at least I hope to meet some cool people and learn some new things both about myself and about others and things they're interested in. The thing that gets me up in the morning is the fact that there is always something new to experience, someone new to meet, and someplace new to go. Mark Twain said it best, "I have never let my schooling get in the way of my education."


"...why can't you see?  this is a Fantasy..."


A quick bit about myself...I'm in my last year of medical school. Thank god. I never want to see another f***ing Scantron sheet as long as I live. I've spent way too much time in school. College, grad school, med school - it never seems to end. After all these years, I'm finally getting my priorities straight, and school is NOT at the top of the list. With a little luck and charm, after graduation, I'll be going into emergency medicine. No TV jokes please. Believe me, I've heard them ALL.  Since I only interviewed in NYC, it looks like I'll be staying here.


"...i'm not denying, i could be trying a little harder to Deal..."


New York City!!! It's the greatest city in the world no matter how many of my SoCal classmates say otherwise. Yeah, sure you have to sell your left nut just to pay one month's rent. But the women are beautiful, the food is to die for, and psycho taxicab drivers provide daily heart-pounding reminders of how thin the line is between life and death....

"...my life is Absurd, i'm living it upside-down..."



Older Journal Entries


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Okay, so I know I didn't put up a Survivor summary thoughts this past week.  Not too much stuff to make fun of so I just left it as is.  ALTHOUGH, the show did make one think about karma.  You gotta wonder if Mike's falling into the fire was karmic payback for his Lord of the Flies reenactment of the past few weeks.  Friday was chill.  Went out to see O Brother Where Art Thou, which Kyle and I thought was awesome.  Visually very interesting, and I loved the surreal sequences with the people going to the water, the sirens, and the flood.  So interesting, and very daring of the Coen brothers, I think.  I like film makers who take risks.  I might hate the result, but at least I'd respect the film maker for having cajones.  


Hot Dogs R Us - So Rob came up on Sat, and we ate at F&B around the corner because I saw some website recommending it for cheap eats.  Whaddya know?!   It was really good!!  A nice spin on hot dogs and french fries.  Highly recommended if you're in the Chelsea area and you can't afford to eat at one of the sushi/Italian restaurants there or you just need to put a little something in the belly.  


Gettin Jiggy With It -  It was Rob's b-day, so we went to Twilo on Sat night!   We got there at 11 pm, and it was very empty so we just sat on the stairs and chatted for a few hours.  So I was trying to explain to Rob the how club dancing works when it dawned on me.  I told him to pretend he was a fruitcake walking on hot coals.  Perfect explanation.  At 1 am, we hit the bar and got smashed!  Around that time too, EVERYONE came in.  Hahah, I love this place - what a freak show!  Transvestites and hot women everywhere.  How do you beat it???  This one guy had on sneakers with knee high white socks, daisy dukes denim shorts, white wifebeaters, a 5 day old unshaved beard, and makeup galore.  The whole thing clashed so damn much, I think it actually worked for him!!!  4 hours later we saw him strutting around with only yellow smiley face boxers on.  Hahaha...I haven't been this entertained in a long time... OMG it was crowded at 4 am.  When the hell do these people sleep?!!  So anyways, we stayed and partied on too.  Ended up leaving just before 6 am and there was a line of people coming in.  Whoa.  All in all, we had a blast!  




Well, I FINALLY did it.  Hahah!  My friends should find this mildly amusing.  Can't wait to go swimming now, and running.  Just in time for the warm weather too!  Why did I do it?  Well, I got sick of spending money on gel and shampoo and having to spend 10 minutes on each deciding which of the 100 brands I should buy.  Hahaha...okay, that's not really the reason... Rob, now that I look like Billy Corgan, you must worship the ground I walk on!  I know you did anyways.  Smooooooth as a baby's bottom!   Yeah!  I may keep this for awhile...


BTW, how bout that new woman on X-Files?  Haven't decided if I like her or not.  But I hope she sticks around for at least a few more episodes.  Started anesthesiology today.  I get to play around with lots of mind-altering drugs.  Please do not e-mail me for a sample.  Haha...










And it snows ONE more time.  YES!  It got bitter cold again so I'm glad that at least there's snow to show for it.  Hey, this might be a good weekend to go snowboarding.  Blah, I hope I shake this cold I've had for the past couple of days before the weekend.  Okay, enough of that.  It's Thursday!  You know what that means - Survivormania!!!  Wow, what an episode!  I was dying of laughter as Kimmi and Alicia threatened to rip each others heads off.  Haha, you could just see Michael cackling inside.  Rodger and Elisabeth - now there's an alliance I can root for.  Unfortunately, I think Rodger may be in severe danger without Kimmi there and Elisabeth's loyalty may not be enough protection.  They need to get one more into their alliance.  I think Nick would be good.  He seems easy to manipulate.  >:D  I was a little relieved that Ogakor won the immunity contest.  I have a feeling it would have been the nail in the proverbial coffin if they had lost.  Instead they got something perhaps more valuable than blankets - a morale booster.  Too bad they're still smelly.  And I'm quite happy to say that Jerri looks to be in real danger.  No one really trusts here, and her exhaustion and hunger is making it difficult for her to contain her bitchiness.  Well, she never really contained it anyways.  Kudos to MBP (Mark Burnett Productions) for another highly entertaining episode.  Anyhow, farewell Kimmi!  Thank gawd you and that big fat mouth of yours are gone.  Now maybe the Kucha tribe can hear themselves think.  



Wow, the weather finally got beautiful.  Too bad I had to spend the morning in the hospital working.  Bleah...I went to the gym later in the day.  I had a kickass workout.  See, I am NOT a runner.  It's just always been SOOOO painful for me.  However, the past few weeks, I've actually gotten my ass onto a running machine and have been improving.  Today, I first swam for half an hour.  Then I ran 6 miles at an 8 min/mile pace!  Okay, I know it's not incredibly fast for all you real runners, but I never dreamed I'd even be able to go 5 miles.  And I actually felt good enough to go lift afterwards.  Hah, maybe I should get on a bike too and train for a triathalon.  Haha...still got a LOOONG ways to go.  Spotted another celeb at the gym: Jon Tenney!  I think he's the guy who married Teri Hatcher.  He was also in that TV show, "Get Real" that got cancelled last year.  He was talking to the head sales rep so I wonder if he's joining up. 



Some pics below of some of my buddies.  I need to setup my scanner.  I still haven't unpacked it from 7 months ago.  Sometimes my laziness amazes even me.
1) Kyle, me, and David
2) Melissa and Rob


Okay, Rob's annoyed :).  Get past my stupid descriptions and drop him an e-mail here.  And yes, those of you who e-mailed me.  He IS single.