Calcucell © is a calculator

for cellular network design

Calcucell version 1.04 (05.10.99) Shareware (35$) Windows 95/98.

This program is designed for use by planning and system design engineers (NMT, GSM, AMPS) . It includes RF engineering and traffic tools. It is very easy for use. Other cellular standards (TACS, DCS, etc) are available now in other versions of program.

Download (220 Kb)


Register this software NOW at


Limitations for the unregistered use

- GOS calculation is possible for the number of channels less than 20 (Erlang B, Poisson, Erlang C);

- Hata's model of propagation is off access;

- number of kinds of cable is limited;

- while use the message with the offer to register the program appears on the screen.

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Benefits of registered program

- no limitations of the unregistered program;

- no irritating message with offer to register your program;

- technical support;

- registered user can order a free version of the program cellular standards in any combination, for example: (GSM, TACS, DCS), (GSM, AMPS, PCS), etc;

- there is a possibility of including in the program trunking and paging standards.

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Calcucell tool


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Dmitri Vassiliev

Any questions, suggestions or critics are welcome and will be considered.

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