Welcome to my Uganda Experience Home Page





Hi, Thanks for visiting my web-page. Over the coming year I hope to share my experiences with you and to show you a little of how life is lived in the beautiful country of Uganda. I have spoken with many people here in Ireland who have lived there and they all talk of the beauty of the countryside, the friendliness of the people and of their desire to return some day. 

I'm certain it won't be easy settling in. The heat and the differences in culture will most certainly take their toll early on. Please tell your friends about this site, bookmark it (press 'CTRL' + D buttons together) and visit it often or even make it your home-page . Please also visit my sponsors' web-pages. They have been extremely generous in their support. Without them in fact the project could not even have got off the ground.

I hope to keep this site interesting and I will always welcome your input. Thanks for your support.


Project Details

Project News



Hi, I'm Jonathan (Johnny) Holland. In late September of this year I will be heading out to Uganda to teach computer studies to some of the nationals there.  Email: johnnyholland@hotmail.com

Address: P.O.Box 125, Luweero, Uganda.

Phone: +256 77 425677

For full details of the project please click this link.

For general details about Uganda click this link

Idlers Arrested (23/01/02)

Christmas is Coming (17/12/01)

The run up to Christmas

Return From Leave (20/11/01)

Back from leave in Ireland

Return From Sudan (08/08/01)

Information on how my Sudan trip went

Trip to Sudan (18/07/01)

I hope to make a trip to Sudan for a week on Saturday

Practical Lessons (29/06/01)

News of how the practical lessons are going and some tools that I have created to help with those lessons

Progress At Last (31/05/01)

The computers are safely housed in their temporary residence at the diocesan offices.

Another week goes by (25/05/01)

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (09/05/01)

The good, bad and ugly of what I have been up to over the last few weeks.

My Course - Part 3 (06/04/01)

A Busy Week (21/03/01)

Progress (10/03/01)

A New Timetable (02/03/01)

The Temperature Increases (22/02/01)

The air and political temperatures rise

Eating Out (17/02/01)

Back to the Grind (09/02/01)

A Visit from Home (18/01/01)




Transtest Ltd

My former company is kindly lending me a laptop for use in Uganda. This is vital for my work as it will allow me to move around in my teaching.

The Container Ministry

This Methodist initiative sends containers of aid to various needy parts of the world. For further details click here.

Project Management Centre in the University of Limerick

This centre has donated 10 computers for use in Uganda. For further details click here.

AVIS Rental cars

Avis have lent me a rental van for two days at no charge. For further details click here.

Philips Ireland

Philips donated a multimedia projector to the project. For further details click here.

Microsoft Ireland

Microsoft have donated a number of tuition books that I can us to help me put together my syllabuses. They also kindly donated software including Windows 98 and 2000, and various Office versions.

Nortel Networks

Nortel kindly donated two desktop computers. For further details click here.


Tellabs Ireland donated a Dell Latitude XPI Laptop to the project For further details click here.


  1. Luweero Diocese Web Site
  2. The Quill Family Website
  3. Avis Car & Van rental
  4. Church Missionary Society (CMS) Ireland
  5. Contact me
  6. The Container Ministry
  7. Microsoft Ireland
  8. Nortel Networks Ireland
  9. Philips Electronics Ireland
  10. Tellabs Ireland
  11. Transtest Ltd
  12. Uganda Home Page - News and searches
  13. Uganda Tourist Information
  14. Ugandan Studies



Book I am currently reading

The Divine Conspiracy 

by Dallas Willard


Download of the week  - Added 18/07/01. Click on link below to  download the clip

Me Teaching (941KB) - A clip taken from one of my theory classes

(Download Archive)


Today's weather in Kampala, Uganda

Counter     (Number of hits on this site to-date)                         Site last Updated: 23rd January 2002