Hi,, my name is J.F.Arief.S. I was an iSeries or AS/400 System Engineer. I've created this page just want to let people know about me and I'd love to have friends from many countries

I'd like to share my experience, knowledge in field that I work or knew. I live in Jakarta-INDONESIA, now I'm working with a newly started outsourcing company PT.Embun Indah Mitratama ( PT.EIM )and also as freelance in an IBM iseries training provider company as an assistant to the trainer., before that I was worked with an IT solution company, PT.SIGMA MITRA SEJAHTERA (SMS)the embrio of previous HW business unit of PT.Sigma Cipta Caraka which the shares majority owned by PT.TELKOM recently and has many JV companies

Mostly I work with IBM iSeries or AS/400 , I've lots of friends who has expertise in iSeries or last time popular with name AS/400

Other than IBM products, I also know some good products such as: HA (High Availability ) from VISION SOLUTIONS, Security Audit Tools from Bsafe, the HSM (Host Security Module) from Eracom which is now the company already acquired by SafeNet, ATM and CDM from NCR, HP and Acer and many else products
Lovely Friends and Me
Dinner in Rochester Minnesota USA - Y 2000
Working Experiences
My lovely wife and me
My lovely wife,our daughter and me
Our lovely kids Jessica and Michael
Pics ITSO 1999
Binu,son of our friend Jaison and Bina
KPDDS-Komunitas Peduli Donor Darah Sukarela
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Contact Info:
Name: J.F.Arief.Sihombing
Organisation: KPDDS-Komunitas Peduli Donor Darah Sukarela
Email: j_f_arief_s@yahoo.com