Home: New York City
Bisexual.  I've lived with my girlfriend for 19 years.  We love each other.  She knows I'm bi.
Writing, poetry, visiting, travel, art collecting, photography, social behavior, the environment, computer technology, online chats.
Welcome to my Geocities homepage, a means by which you and I can visit, getting to know each other.  For about 5 years I edited my America Online homepage.   You might like taking a look there.

Sexuality is a major feature of my life.  A life without sexuality is, for me, not much of a life.  Neither is life that attempts to be only sexual.  I seek friends who are comfortable about and enjoy their sensual lives and enjoy the discovery of people's inner, emotional lives, with honesty and curiosity.
Double click on the photo to go to the site.
BRYAN -- Writes a weekly journal from Austin, Texas, accompanied by photographs.
DARREN, of Navajo and Hopi background, writes poetry, designs Web pages and enjoys his sensuality.
STORY WATERS -- British, he explores homosexuality personally, philosophically and with pictures.
Clicking on the photo will take you to each person's email address.
ANGGIET, Indonesian, lives in Melbourne, Australia.  He is a graduate student.  He writes a weekly letter.
JEFF is a voice student at a Manhattan college.  I attended a choral concert in which he had a solo.
KATHY is a cheerful, bubbly friend whose father was gay.  She likes chats and email !
OLLI lives in Espoo, Finland.  He likes to reply quickly and brashly to emails.  We've chatted for over 3 years!
RICK, a Ph.D. in English literature, is painting these days.  Some of his art can be seen via the Internet.
RICHIE works for an airline, and writes for a gay publication.
WIM is a Dutch scholar specializing in gay lifestyles of Japan.
Double click on the yellow 'NUDES' to see some of my favorite Internet photos.
To reach me by email, write
I would be pleased to meet you by mail or in person.
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