Rohit B. Gupta – Senior Software engineer

21731 Saticoy Street

Apt #10

Canoga Park, CA, 91304

Cell: 201-895-3887




·      More than 10 years experience in ASP, ASP.NET, ASP.NET 2.0, C#, C# 2.0, TSQL, Javascript, VBScript, XML, XSLT, XSD programming.

·      More than 5 years of experience in .NET, ASP.NET, C#, ASP.NET 2.0, C#, C# 2.0, VB.NET, Win Forms.

·      Extensive experience in developing Enterprise WEB enabled Applications using ASP, ASP.NET, COM, DCOM, ActiveX, MTS, JavaScript, VBScript and IIS.


Computer skills



·     Proficient in: ASP.NET, ASP.NET 2.0, C#, C# 2.0, AJAX, Atlas, C, OOPS, JavaScript, VBScript, XML, XSLT, XPATH, XSD, XSL-FO, SOAP, Xml Web Services, .NET Remoting, Visual Basic.NET, ASP, VB6, SQL 2005

·     Familiar with: Rational UML, Rational Unified Process (RUP), CodeSmith for .NET Templates



·     Database: SQL Server 7.0, 2000, SQL 2005, Sybase 11.x, Oracle 7.x, Microsoft Access 7.0/2.0

·     Tools: VS.NET 2003, VS.NET 2005, Rational UML, Sybase PVCS, Clearcase 4.0, VSS 6 for SCM, TierDeveloper, Crystal reports, Visio, Teamplate, NUnit Framework, VS.NET, T-Editgrid, PortController, Infragistics controls, Mediachase controls

·     Platforms: Microsoft .NET, ASP, ASP.NET, ASP.NET 2.0, XP, Win2k, Win2003, IIS 5.0, IIS 6.0




1. Senior Software Engineer - Interthinx/ISO Mortgage Analytics – LOS ANGELES                    Mar2006 - Present

  • Designed and Implemented the and Electronic Loan Review  (ELR) Advanced Search functionality for ISO/Interhinx
  • Extensive use of ASP.NET 2.0, ADO.NET 2.0, SQL 2005, Atlas, AJAX, Javascript, XML, XSL etc..
  • Highly customizable website development with web Parts and Profiles


2. Senior Software Engineer - Thomson Financial.BOSTON                                         Aug2005-Feb 2006

·      Developed Guidance system for Thomson StreetEvents, this involved front-end and backend development along with developing Windows Services and WebServices for completing the workflow of the system. Worked extensively with XML, TSQL, XSD, XSLT and C# (WinForm and Web apps)

·      Led a Team of 4 people for designing and developing the Guidance project for Thomson.

·      PDF Generation using XSL-FO. For the guidance project we created a PDF Publishing service for creating PDF reports using XSL-FO from XML documents

·      Troubleshooting of various systems like InfoTriever, Economics Portal, StreetEvents.

·      Conversion of ASP to ASP.NET code, converting XML data into Business objects promoting code reuse and easier code management

·      Evaluating and presenting ASP.NET 2.0 and SQL2005 and how current applications like StreetEvents, Guidance, Economics portal will benefit from it.


3. Programmer Analyst - Cambria Consulting Inc.BOSTON                                        Oct 2004-Aug 2005

·      Developed the HR.NET framework providing solutions for development planning, coaching system, Appraisal workflow, Employee Intake workflow, Comparative assessments, competency models etc…

·      Developed secure web applications, WebServices, Multi-threaded apps, Code access security, secure authentication and encryption of data, .NET Remoting.

·      XML processing using XMLDOM, SAX parsers, XPATH/XSLT/XSV processing, XSD Schemas,Serialization

·      Developed web & desktop Apps for Microsoft, Cisco, Accenture, NSC, NEA, UTC, J&J, Wachovia.

·      Bulk Email transfers using MSMQ, dynamic loading of types using reflection, exception handling and garbage collection, server-side and client side validation etc.


4. Programmer Analyst - Wipro                                                                                      Sept2003-Oct2004

·      Web based ASP.NET credit approval system, sales automation.

·      NTier apps using .NET to serve business logic, data components to implement Database Tier and webUI for the presentation Tier, used reflection to dynamically load assemblies & use custom attributes

·      Extensively used ADO.NET with validation preventing SQL Injection, XSS attacks, Session hijacking, Shell injection. Extensive use of Datagrids, repeater controls. Created several user controls and web server controls and used reflection to display control properties during design time


5. Programmer Analyst - Iflex Solutions LtdNEWYORK                                             Jul1997-Aug2003

·      Developed Corporate Intranet using ASP.NET, ASP, Visual Interdev, SQL Server. Developed several workflow web based systems for employee attendance tracking, payroll mgmt, project mgmt, s/w and h/w requisitions, purchase and sales automation

·      Worked for Citibank at their New York and London headquarters on ASP.NET, ASP projects developing Global risk Reporting System for Credit risk Assessment, Project Tracking System. Software configuration management using Clearcase/VSS.

·      Developed several COM components, ActiveX Controls, Implemented SSO for websites and databases.


6. Systems and Database Administrator - Rolta India Ltd.                                              Oct1995-Jul1997

·     Created a custom application in C program for automating printing of reports at SOD/EOD and auto email alerting.

·     Enterprise wide LAN and WAN, Solaris System, Oracle DBA admin.

·     Implemented a corporate and Internet Mail infrastructure.




2006 - Microsoft MCPD Enterpise Application Developer .NET 2.0              Microsoft

2005 – Microsoft MCSD                                                                                  Microsoft

1999 - Post Graduate Diploma in Software Technoology                                        CDAC – MUMBAI

1997 - Certificate course in Software Technnology                                               CDAC – MUMBAI

1995 - Bachelor of Engineering – Electronics <                                                    RAIT- MUMBAI UNIVERSITY

1998 - Microsoft Certification - MCSE                                                                Microsoft

2000 – Cisco Certification                                                                                Cisco


*CDAC - Center for Devlopment of Advanced Computting (formerly NCST)

*RAIT - Ramrao Adik Institute of Technology



1. PROJECTS AT Interthinx


·      Designed & Implemented the Fraudguard system and Electronic Loan Review (ELR - Advanced Search) functionality for Interthinx. This is for Mortgage Loan Scoring System for scoring Borrowers and Property information to help Lenders make correct decisions to be able to close a Mortgage Loan (decide whether to grant/deny the loan) This includes Property appraisal Borrower information check SSN Verification Property Comparables Verification of valuation of property Borrower 's Employment verification This project involved creating a completely new system for Borrower and Property valuation and scoring system. Thus all the three tiers for the system were built from scratch.

·      Extensive use of ASP.NET 2.0, ADO.NET 2.0, Atlas.NET, AJAX, SQL 2005 for developing the Electronic Loan Review (ELR) System for Interthinx...

·      We also modelled the Microsoft User Interface Application block to create a additional abstraction layer between the UI layer and the Business Layer so as to enable sweeping changes to the UI without involving much code change. Made use of the latest technologies in Microsoft .NET including AJAX, Atlas, .NET 2.0, ADO.NET 2.0, .NET 1.1, SQL 2000, XML, XSLT, XSD and Xpath etc...


2. Projects at - Thomson Financial.BOSTON


·      Developed financial analysis software solution called Guidance using Windows Forms and WebForms, Windows Services and Web Services

·      Guidance involved developing a workflow solution for Financial Analysts to record Guidance for various companies that issue Transcripts and Press Releases providing Financial Guidance for the upcoming quarter/fiscal year. 

·      Created PDF documents on the fly using XSL-FO from XML documents. Created a PDF publishing service which takes in as input XML documents, and these are processed against the XSL containing XSL-FO commands for formatting the XML document. The xsl-fo output is then fed to the XEP engine which uses its own engine (not nroff or TEX) to create PDF on the fly.

·      Created the Design specifications for the project based on inputs from the PMG (Product Management Group) and then created use cases for each of the scenarios where the product will be used. Created Technical specs for the front-end and back-end to indicate how each feature of the product will be implemented and was involved in the iterative development process. Used the Rational RUP model for SDLC

·      This involved designing and developing various stages for data collection and presentation: Marshalling, Preprocessing, Scheduling, Data Entry, QC, Audit and Absorption. Developed various Windows Services, Web Services and Windows Forms based and Web based tools for developing this entire Guidance workflow.

·      Worked with XML, XSD, XSLT and XSL-FO for developing this guidance solution

·      Troubleshooting of various systems like InfoTriever, Economics portal, Thomson StreetEvents etc..

·      Converted the StreetEvents website from ASP to ASP.NET, transformed XML content into .NET business objects for better classification and promoting code reuse and easier code management.

·      Did extensive study on benefits that can be incurred on using ASP.NET 2.0 and SQL2005 for existing applications like StreetEvents, Guidance, Economics and others.

·      Extensively used Datagrid, DataList and Repeater controls, ADO.NET

·      Did the Unit Testing of the applications using NUnit framework in C#


3.   Projects at Cambria Consulting Inc. - BOSTON


·      Web based workflow system for development planning defining goals, competencies, rating models, assigning tasks to participants, evaluating responses, feedback, comparative rating of participants, determining future development goals. 360 feedback system, Executive coaching system

·      Developed web portal for NEA, developed surveys for Accenture, Cisco, Microsoft, NSC having thousands of users and did feedback Analysis and reporting using Excel, Crystal Reports. Developed Multithreaded Timer based App for UTC, J&J to deliver video’s to desktops at specific intervals to AID instructor led training. App allowed Online/Offline access to System with provision to Synchronize when online. Extensively used webservices, events delegates, Multi-Threading, .NET Remoting etc..

·      Bulk Email transfers using Message queuing. Created app for detecting spam, bouncebacks etc and creating detailed reports on the stats.

·      Developed several WebServices using SOA architecture and implemented SAML for Single Signon using ASP.NET. Extensively using SOAPExtensions for serialization/deserialization of CLR Types

·      Developed several Multi-Threaded Apps, Worked with events, Delegates for raising custom events and multicasting events to several clients. All Apps programmed to have secure Database access using ADO.NET. Used NUnit for regression testing.

·      Created reflection classes for dynamically creating reference Types based on XML settings and applied custom attributes to populate class properties with database fields

·      Session state (Inproc, State Server, SQLSrvr), Viewstate, application state, application cache, context cache.

·      XML/XSLT transforms. XSD schemas and XML validation, XPATH/XSL, XMLReader/Writer, XMLDOM and SAX parsers for processing XML documents. Light weight XMLDOM parsers, XML and Runtime Serialization

·      Impl. Javascript hash algo for hashing passwords sent between client and server, no SSL required

·      Rijndael encryption and DPAPI library for encrypting sensitive data, using PKI for asymmetric encryption in ASP.NET

·      Forms authentication using cookies, encryption of forms authentication and session state data using <machine> XML keys

·      Encrypting connection strings and identity info and storing in registry, impl. Identity impersonation using web.config and encrypting identity info.




·      Developed web based credit approval / customizable workflow application to replace email based system using ASP.NET.

·      Implemented role based security and customizable workflows based on a user's role.

·      Followed N-Tier Architecture development which involves Presentation Tier, Business Tier, Database Tier

·      Developed a framework of objects and controls to encapsulate business rules and mainframe data access

·      Used reflection to dynamically load assemblies at runtime based on the implemented interfaces and attributes

·      Extensively used Datagrid, DataList and Repeater controls, ADO.NET

·      Did the Unit Testing of the applications using NUnit framework in VB.NET

·      Developed several Webservices for universal utilities like email validation, workflow authentication and authorization etc…




·      Implemented website authentication and authorization, using Forms, Passport and Windows methods

·      Handled data validation using JavaScript on client side and VBScript on server side.

·      Created the database, tables, views, stored procedures, triggers and jobs in SQL Server

·      Generated customized reports using stored procedures and ASP scripts.

·      The Apps were hosted in IIS 4.0. Was responsible for IIS administration as well.

·      Created several COM, DCOM, ActiveX in VB 6.0 for file upload, database access, Calendar control etc…

·      Detected broken links in the web project with the help of FrontPage 2000.

·      Extensive ADO.NET, ADO, DAO and secure access prevent SQL & Shell injection, XSS, session hijack

·      Created web pages to monitor and administer the system health. Access to these pages was restricted only to Website Administrators.

·      Researched and implemented cross-browser DHTML scripts, improving the performance of the website.

·      Developed a Daily Activity Management System using ASP.NET which tracked and logged the daily activities of an employee.

·      Developed an Attendance Monitoring & Payroll system using ASP, Visual Interdev and SQL Server 7.0.


6. Overseas projects while at Iflex Solutions Ltd


6A. For Citibank N.A. as "Application support professional" (Offsite – India)


·      SCM using Clearcase 4.1 on Solaris 2.8 for SW modules of the GCX conversion project of Citibank with documentation.

·      Offshore Contingency site: Convert offshore dev site into a contingency site for Citibank GCX

·      Creating automated scripts to checkin/label and package the code into releases installable in other systems (i.e. package the release from development m/c to be installed in the System-test or production m/cs).

·      Developed Web based System for analysis of GCX data and providing comprehensive web based reporting for complex data retrieved from data warehouse.


6B. For Citibank NA as “Application support professional" (Onsite – New York)


·      24/7 app. support for GRR: Automating the schedule to process data feeds for risk reporting.

·      Developed Web based System for credit approval, provided web based reports for analyzing Credit Ratings, Financial position, Bankruptcy etc..

·      Migration from ASP to ASP.NET

·      Software config Mgmt: Change control of releases/versions of the SW. System testing and quality testing of SW.

·      Web based project tracking system, workflow for starting, managing and archiving projects, approval workflow etc..

·      Web based Track reception/processing of data feeds for risk reporting.

·      Ensuring that all code is Y2K compatible and ensuring smooth transition into the new millennium

·      Training and Documentation: Documenting all GRR feed processing and risk reporting procedures. Training new users on the internal functioning and general overview of GRR.

·      Web Reports using Cognos Impromptu


6C. For Citibank U.K. as "Application and System support" (On Site - London)


·      Application support for Y2K/Euro compliance: Support for Y2K and Euro Compliance of HW and SW (system & app. S/W) for the GPS and CCS system of Citibank PBG.

·      Simultaneous upgrades throughout Europe: HW/OS upgrade and new GPS, CCS rollouts (in each of the Dev/Systest/QA/PROD) in Frankfurt, Jersey, Zurich, London, Greece and Athens

·      Custom appln: C pgms for automated printing of reports at SOD/EOD and auto email alerting.

·      SCM and version control: Certifying Y2K/Euro compliance of app. SW on upgraded and compliant HW/OS with version control and change control of packaged release.




·      Completed MCSD in 18 days

·      PERFORMANCE Award 2000 at Iflex Solutions Ltd OPEN HOUSE

·      Completed MCSE within 6 weeks.

·      Secured 98 percentile at CDAC – MUMBAI

·      In the B.E. examination stood 2nd in college. Stood 2nd in 3rd year of Engineering. Stood 3rd in 2nd year of Engineering Scored the highest marks in Social Studies in the S.S.C. examination.