Vintage Synth Dreams
Soundfonts - Software Synthesis Algorithms - Audio Rendering code in VB5 - SB Live - Analog
(Updated 2 Feb 2002)

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02 February, 2002

Analoguesque Sound Designs
Analoguesque Sound Designs quietly launched their web presence recently, with several offerings for Soundfont enthusiasts, as well as owners of Emu EOS-compatible samplers, and Yamaha SY-77 synths. Analoguesque employs the same tried-and-tested techniques used in old analog-digital hybrids, like the Ensoniq ESQ-1, Korg DW-8000, and Roland Juno-1 and Juno-2 synths, to create their analog impressions. The results are pretty impressive, surpassing many other analog Soundfonts available today. Why? Traditional samplers essentially take polaroid snapshots of an analog synth. Analoguesque's technique recreates these sounds from the ground up by using samples as oscillators, layering and manipulating them with the impressive capabilities of the Soundfont standard. With careful layering, envelope, and filter programming, the oscillators intermingle in a fashion very similar to analog synthesizers, and this creates nuances that traditional samplers tend to bypass. This creates amazingly phatt, animated, and evolving analog emulations, available for Soundfont compatible and Emu EOS synths, as well as one of the best collections of Yamaha SY-77 analog emulations available today. Please note that these collections cannot be found elsewhere - They are designed from the ground up, and are all brand new. Please click on the logo above to visit the website.

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