Homepage of Royce Shih-Wea Liao

Last updated 04/22/2001


Well a month has passed since I touched my homepage. The goods news is that Tripod finally reactivated my tripod homepage. Since I've used the Tripod URL to host my homepage for 3 years, I'm hereby returning there!


Tripod has responded! Due to a 'glitch' in one of their automated maintenance scripts, several Tripod pages were inadvertently removed. Tripod is attempting to restore all homepages.
Anyway, I've updated my preliminary PCDVD-test report. Remember, it's just a preliminary report. You can find it in the softdvd section of my links below.
..to older news/rants

Most of the stuff on my page is pretty old...just warning you

Quick-jump to....

Other Links

http://www.concentric.net/~psilon - VirtualDub homepage, free linear MPEG/ASF/AVI to AVI editor
http://members.home.net/beyeler - BBMPEG homepage, MPEG1/2 encoder for Win95/98
http://www.inmatrix.com - home of DVDGenie, a nice tweaking utility for software DVD players
http://www.avault.com/pcrl (The PC Release List! Go here for the latest game releases)
http://www.next-generation.com (another on-line gaming magazine)
Websites of some friends...
http://www.kotek.com/kenhsu - Ken Hsu
http://www.mit.edu/~emin - Emin Martinian
http://www.stanford.edu/~mikeym - Mike Malkin
http://www.ChaoticGood.net - John Tchoe (I bear no responsibility for sustained brain damage)
http://personal.www.umich.edu/~davidmwu - David Wu, friend from back when I was at U-M Ann Arbor

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