P.S. Turn On your speakers
I can tell you have spent
a lot of time surfing the web
relax listen to some
music and contemplate life.
Welcome to my homepage and I hope you all like it because if you don't I have an good idea for you!!! [good idea deleted in accordance with the Communications Decency Act] lucky you!!!!!!
Ever Hear of Picture in Picture? Well welcome to website in website!!!
Here is a web site in the making by a friend that
convinced and taught me how to make one of my own
Home page
Well, what can I say the fever is spreading, I don't think it can get anymore exciting then having your own web site. Just check out my friend Mike's site You know the saying "a site is worth a thousand words" or something like that. Anyway here it is (this is only the title) The Web Page of All Web Pages
Ok here is the address to a new up and coming chick magnet entitled
the Ultimate Web Site made by a good friend of mine who shares a common intrest
among the rest of us Computers and the
Internet!!!! Anyway here it is the
Ultimate Web
Another friend of mine also created some sites devoted to the Playstation and all those wonderful people working at Sony. You the man James (playing Plastation and videogames are another hobbie of mine) Anyway as soon as he provides me with the final address I will post it up here
Ok here is another cool website to check out... This friend of mine has devoted his site to Final Fantasy 7 or better known to gamers out there as FF7. Anyway his site is the bomb also so check it out as soon as possible. Jacob's Page
Here's another great site to check out. If you want to research a band it is probably here: The Ultimate Band List
I know you all have heard of Q101, and most of you probably enjoy its variety of music. So here brought to you from somewhere in that vastness known as the internet is the Q101 Web Site
If you are a Prankster like me, and always
enjoy a good Gag, then you will surely enjoy this Web Site entitled:
Pranksta's Paradise.
You will find pranks of all sorts
to please you.
Next is a link to what I believe is the Official Web Site to a great musical group entitled The Urge
For those of you like me that enjoy the top ten list from The Late
Show with David Letterman then you might want
to check out the official CBS page already loaded to the
Ten Site archive.
This is a really good site, one of my favorites. I personally use it all the time to check and keep up with all of the latest movies. There are a lot of sounds and video clips to download from a variety of movies in a variety of formats Hollywood Online
For everyone that enjoys movies that include martial arts and stunts then you have probably already heard of the great actor Jackie Chan. Here is a link to his homepage, there is not a lot on there right now but they are constantly updating it. Jackie Chan Home Page
Here a pretty cool web site it holds the largest collection of screen savers on the internet I personally haven't used it much but I have heard it's neat. Screen Saver Heaven
Speaking of downloading things here a two web sites where you can download an array of things from graphics, to sounds, to games, too ect.... well anyway you get the idea here they are Download.com and Shareware.com
If your looking to make a search on the Internet, look no further here is a great search engine. In my opinion it is the most effective. Metacrawler Searching
Don't move your mouse over these
colorful boxes!!!
Download Michael Jordan's Shot Here!!!!
Click here if you want to view my Funny E-mail
(This page
is updated daily)
Here is another
of my Sites except this one is devoted to Games that I like and recomend.
(This page
is updated whenever I get a new game)
Here is another site of mine
it offers games you can play off of my site or you can download a few sounds
or a game or two!!!
(I try to update
this page when I find something cool)
If you like what you hear and you would
like to hear some of it without loading my web site click here.
(this page
is only updated by the viewers like you)
Last but certainly not least visit my members only page!!!Click here
If you would like critique my
sites or would like me to add your site under my list of cool links feel
free to send some E-mail my way!!! I just ask that you either lable the subject
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And now for some of my sponsors: Send me some email if you would like your logo here>>>>>>