DFW CB and Scanner Home Page

Hello and Welcome to the Dallas Fort Worth Scanners Home Page it's nice you could come visit me.

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Here you will find information for not only frequincies within the Dallas/Fort Worth scanning area but also information on buying a scanner for either yourself or your family. Here you will get frequincies from a list of my favorites and links to other sites that provide more information. If you don't already have a scanner I know that site will persuade you get one. I hope you like it!

This is a list of the you will find on this page--

The Following is a Brief Defination of Scanning and what it's all about--

Scanning is is a way of monitoring the airs radio Frequincies. You use a "Scanner" whaich really only a base unit that recieves these frequincies and alows you to hear them be unscrambling them, just as a AM/FM radio unscrambles it's waves.

When listing to a scanner you hear things when they happen, none of the frequincies are pre-recorded. Many other people hear the past on the News, or Radio. You really almost have a "Front row seat on the action."

When listining to a scanner you aid law enforcment agencies by adding an extra pair of eyes looking out for them. Monitoring a scanner is almost like a game, it is a technical challenge. Yu are discover new ways to improve youe your radio reception.

So lastly Scanning is a fun way to get on top of the action and have fun doing it!

My Favorite Frequincies In The DFW Area--

  1. 47.5800 Tarrant County Emergency Action Team

  2. 46.0600 Tarrant County Mutual Aid

  3. 155.6250 Tarrant County Jail Security

  4. 155.7150 Dallas County Sherrif

  5. 460.5750 Dallas Police/Fire Dispatching

  6. 464.3250 Dallas Red Cross

  7. 460.4750 Dallas Police Department Investigators

  8. 460.175 North Dallas Police Department

  9. 124.150 DFW INT. Airport Tower East

  10. 34.100 Bell Helicopter

  11. 463.625 Grapevine Mills Mall Security

  12. 146.76 Sky-Warn Helicopter for Tarrant County

  13. 146.88 Sky-Warn Helicopter for Dallas County

  14. 151.265 Grapevine parks and Wildlife

  15. 450.1875 Channel 5 of Dallas (NBC)

  16. 123.025 AM Helicopter-to-Helicopter

  17. 464.100 DISD Security

  18. 460.125 Dallas Police SWAT team

  19. 148.15 Civil Air Patrol

    The Following is a list of resources that you can use to find info, etc.--

    1. The Scanner Club
      P.O. BOX 62
      Gibbstown,NJ 08027
      TSC Bimonthly Magazine

    2. Scanning USA (A great magazine)
      2054 Hawthorne
      Joliet, IL 60435
      (Monthly. Mostly Articles)

    3. Worldwide TV-FM Association
      P.O. Box 514
      Buffalo,NY 14205
      (Covers TV,FM,Public Saftey,Satelites,etc.)

    4. "Police Call Frequincy Guide"
      Found at Radio-Shack
      (For Texas Use Vol. 7)

    5. "Beyond Police Call Frequincy Guide"
      Maps and Radio Language
      Also Found At Radio Shack

    6. Personaly I fell that the Very best resource is the Internet itself, it provides
      anything you would possibly want to know about anyhting. Just simply use
      a search engine (such as Webcrawler, or Yahoo) and type something to the
      effect of Scanners or CB Scanners and it comes up with a jungle of sites.
      So try using the internet and you will be amazed at how much is out there.

      In the Scanner World--

      The1998 Radio Shack Catalogs are out.

      University Park has moved to channel 866.1125

      Bedford ,Colleyville, Keller,and Eulles will be sharing a new trunked sysyem.
      Bedford Trunked Radio System Frequincies:

      1. 866.0375

      2. 867.5375

      3. 867.1125

      Eulles Trunked Radio System Frequincies:
      1. 854.9875

      2. 855.4875

      Radio Shack's new Pro-64, handheld, 400 channel scanner has a new ability to be be programed into your computer.

      The 101st Anuall South West Exposition and Livestock Show and Rode has just been and gone, here are a few frequincies People E-Mailed me and said they heard them there.

      1. 467.7625

      2. 467.8750

      3. 467.9000

      Arlington Fire Department has changed channels form "1A", "1B",etc to "1", "2", etc.

      The Following Is a Guide To Use When Purchising a Scanner--

      When Purchasing a Scanner You Should alawys decide what you want before you go to the store to buy it. As soon as you walk into the store and see al of those scanners you will be so confused with what you want. If you are new to scanners I will try to answers that many people usually ask.


      1. Is a scanner hard to use? The answer to that question is easy. Of course not, after initial programming (the store you bought your scanner from normaly will assist you with that task) you can turn on a scanner as you would a T.V.

      2. Do I need a license to use a scanner? No. You do not need a license at all. In some places of the United-States there are some restrictions to certain services, and in a few places you are not alowed to use a scanner in your car.

      3. What can I hear with a scanner? With a "good" quality scanner you can hear anything that uses a radio transmiter or --Radio-- . You can hear anything from Space Shuttle and Satelite connunications, to your lacal Police and Fire departments.

      The place that I would recomed is Radio Shack, their selection is Great and since they are local you can alawys get help or ask questions anytime you need to.

      When chosing a scanner make a list with points and ideas with which type of scanner fits you best. Weather it be a Home model ( has a base and is used primarly in one place, not for transporting), a mobile mode ( You can take it anywhere , primarly used in cars to take with you as you drive), or a handheld model ( You can use it a home or take it with you, personaly the one I recomed because it is so compact and portable) you chose the one that best fits you. And also list what type of frequencies yuo want to listen to, you can talk to the retailer that you buy your scanner from for more information on that.

      If you are really truly intrested in buying a scanner call your local retailer for more information ( Radio Shack has a great catalog for scanners). My best piece of information for buying a scanner is shop around, and don't just go into 1 store and see a scanner and say "YEP, THATS THE ONE I WANT< LETS BUY IT AND GO HOME," no take a while to decide and be sure you are going to be satisfied with the scanner that you chose.

      The following are a list of things to keep in mind while using a scanner--

      When Dusing a scanner sure to alawys follow the Law, and be safe. The punishments are very severe for breaking these laws These rules are spelled out in the 'Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) of 1986. The FBI and Federal Communications Commision maintain a staff of investigators thriought the country, they will definatly make arrests when warranted. The punishment consist of fines and/or prison staments of as long as 10 years.

      Federal Law makes it a crime to intentionally intercept the following types of Radio transmitions:

      • Remote radio-TV broadcast pickups.

      • Scrambled, encrypted or coded messages.

      • Mobile telephone communications of any type.

      Regarding radio transmitions that you hear , it is against Federal law to :

      • Use any information heard to aid in reporting a crime.

      • Use any information heard to recieve personal gain.

      • Reveal to anybody, the contents of any transmitions (keep it to yourself)

      If you hear something on your scanner, do not go to the scene because in many states it is against the law to "sight-see" at the scene of an emergency. Experienced listeners know that you will be able to hear more by listining than by being there.

      And lastly alawys have fun, and alawys find ways to make your listining experience more fun while still being safe.

      , you better remember to bookmark this page


      Remember This Site Is Alawys

      Under Construction

      Links to other sites on the Web

      DFW Scanner Listners Page
      Scanning Dallas/Fort Worth
      For those of you intrested in scanning police
      AirNav, the aircraft tracking software for Windows
      Anything and everything you want to know about scanners
      A great site on Hockey, written by my friend, Dragons2001



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      Please E-Mail me with your on my Web Page, and also E-Mail me with frequincies that I can add to my favorites list. Thanks for visiting my site and be sure to come back very soon this site is updated with more frequincies daily. And don't forget to bookmark this page

      © 1997 enygma7682@aol.com

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