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Dear visitor, maybe I could not tell, from any country you are,
or age, or what do think
about this, but I need to admit on something, or more like a
small confession.
I got some pictures and articles from other sites specially
the one which contains, about Circassians, I’m not
braking any kind of low, or any simple rule, all the data on
Internet it is an reference to all of us, for that I need to show my appreciation,
to Edris Abzakh, and others in the coming future I will do the same to
Believe it, you need more than three hours to surf here, so
bookmark it.
what you will see, that I have collect a number of pictures to the persons
whom shared to build
our country JORDAN, all of them are
honored persons and for the glory they made to this country, they got
there respect from our people from what they have done.
And they worth our hard work, to present them, to the coming generation.
"All of the pictures I got from Sharkes book, for Mr. Mohamed Khair
thanks for the real hard WORK"
And about ADIGA WEB @
Jordan, this a small brief case you can enjoy it, because in time
will be more cool, because the thing it missed up here is more
materials and more friends
around, that I will wait for Circassians from Jordan to participate
here with me…
And what about Circassian Museum,
it is very cool site, because the pictures will talk about this
great and historical culture, I believe it is an endless culture,
may be you need to
try it, taste it, and you will never forget that taste.
If you would like the real adventure, take at Circassian
Music, I have no doubt, if someone would
like to know a nation culture, he need to discover the arts
they got, simply like costumes and MUSIC…
And for the Costumes thing I will try my best to present to you
a fully detailed report about Circassian Costumes,
into pictures and text, but the thing I need here, articles and
about that. And that will be soon, Insha’a Allah.
And by the way, do forgot to visit Would
like to learn the Circassian Language, GO HERE.
Other information, I have collect it from Internet, and other books
about Circassian people, and there
a special thanks too many people, they will say, that they did
not offer much, to
present their names here, but they worth it, and I thank them all.
Every body, here in Jordan asking why I'm doing this work, ADIGA
web sites, photos, language, etc.
I’m doing this, only for two persons my deceased father Amer
Badri, I have respected him
too much no one can imagine, for the things he donned to Jordan,
the second one, someone, I have lived with him/her for more one
year, but every thing
gone with wind without logical reason,
maybe someday I will get my right to know him/her reason.
And may be I found on him/her, when we have met, something named under
The Dream,
something I have wrote once, and here it is: -
Something shinning always there.
In the shadow
It hurts deep. Deep in my heart, and my soul ...
Few lights from a small candle set me free ...
Like a knight on his knee
Like a Nightingale in his first try to fly ...
Dive through the big sky..
Looking for something.
Or someone too bright his long nights,
When it came dull & sad.
While I have been like a crazy lad.
To share every being is his heart,
Every instant, and every minute to make his world glow, his heart light
& warm.
Someone to be in his dreams to share it and help him to make it through,
Curiosity in my blood,
Adventure is my club.
So why you are saying what’s up.
It is, not a art
It is simply Nart.
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Circassian Assosiations in Jordan
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"This web approved & prepared"
By Nart Amer Qumoq
Amman – Jordan
Tel. 962 – 6 – 716363
Telefax. 962 – 6 – 859438
P. O. Box 11732 – 309
Nart for Computer Systems & WEB
Last time
April 16, 1998 17:02:53 GMT
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Nart for Computer Systems & WEB Co.
Jordan -
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