/\/\ercutio's C/C++ Page

Welcome to Mercutio's C/C++ Homepage. Why C and C++? Because contrary to popular opinion, C is not dead. It is alive and kicking. I have older C compilers that I use on a regular basis. In many ways, C++ is better. It makes for safer, quicker, and easier programming. However, some applications require the programmer to say, "screw safety, I have a job to do," and cut to the stuff that will make a computer crash and burn.

Why do I have this page up? I don't know. I would like to make a page where people can post questions and get answers from other programmers (y'know, a forum-type thing.). I know that there are many of these already being used, but I'm going to post the basic questions. "How do I override the ^ operator to mean exponentiation?", "Is there some rule against using a lot of virtual functions?", etc.

If you have a question, e-mail me at mercutio13373@hotmail.com. In the subject, type "Question". I'll get it posted ASAP. If you have a response to a question, send it to the same address, with the phrase "Reply" as the subject.

Anyway, that's it for me!! See you later!!


Post Number One:

Date: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 21:34:49 +0100
From: Philip Baggaley
To: mercutio13373@hotmail.com
Subject: JPG

How do I display a JPG file in C/C++


Well, there are a few variables in this one. In windows-based C/C++, there are tons of freeware and commercial libraries that will display many different types of images. In UNIX, even more. I have also found a few for DOS.
However, when writing your own JPEG viewer in C/C++, the first thing to do is find the file standard. These can be easy to find online, but the JPEG standards I have found are convoluted and frustrating. However, once you understand the format, it is easy to knock out some code. I hope this has answered some of your questions, at least. Please respond (anybody!) if I missed anything.

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