Welcome to my place, please take some time to look around. You will find variety here. There are Graphics to assist your own web pages including a tutorial on how to use graphics effectively. Check out the links to free graphics sites and free web based e-mail (for life e-mail) I hope you will take a look in the bookshop, where you will find hand selected books on topics related to Website development, Java and Visual Basic 5.0.
Wander around, and email me with your comments
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Here in association with amazon.com the webs largest bookstore.
Books in the Spotlight cover:
with more to follow soon.
Graphics Available
The E-mail Graphics (5 pages available) at

The Divider (Lines) Graphics (3 page now available)

Tutorial in HTML and Graphics
This tutorial shows how to use HTML to insert and present graphics in you web page. There are discussions and examples of the attributes you can use to achieve an effecive visual outcome.

Links to Free Graphics and Free E-mail
A variety of links to sites ranging from Graphics Warehouses through to small specialised graphics sites. You could spend hours at some of these site reviewing and collecting images for use in developing your own site
Posting Graphics
If you have graphics available that you would like to make available for others, then follow the link on the links page. There is a simple form to take you through the simple process of uploading your files in minutes. Links back to your site or other recognition of graphics you have created yourself are available

Music Music and CD's
Visit CDNOW for their Complete Music Range with easy search and online purchasing available - A great place Just to keep up with Music Releases
Woodwork and the Home Workshop
Visit this new site to share the plans of your homeworkshop projects with others or to copy the plans of others that have been put up for you to download. There is a simple form to take you through the brief process of uploading your plans in minutes.
Plans established 1/4/98
An Unusual place to go to
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