Well, actually, yes.
You won't find my picture and my bio there,
though. This homepage is not that stupid.
Mainly to learn HTML, and to publish some of the neat hacks and tools I have done over the years. Most of them related to programming and digital hardware design.
Don't expect any fancy graphics, animations, frames or other bells and whistles! (Well, we actually got some frames now, but that's just because I wanted to learn how to use them!)
PCISIM is both a logic simulation library and a PCI simulation
environment coded using the simulation library.
It can be used as a stand-alone logic simulation library,
or as a complete PCI simulation environment by using the PCI models
FMV, or File Majority Voter, is a small utility used for DAE
(Digital Audio Extraction). It will take N sample files, and construct
one output sample file. For every byte position in the output file,
the program will look at the corresponding bytes in the input files,
and select the most common input value as the output value.
This program is great for cleaning DAE sample files, since some CDROM
drives produce samples with random noise, which is usually not repeated
in the same byte position, on repeated sampling.
This way, sampling multiple copies of the same DAE data, and running
them through the program, will clean the bad samples which will be
thrown out since they will be "voted out" by the majority of the
"good" samples in the other files.
Here is a link to the code.
Documentation is too obvious to bother writing. No command line flags,
just one output file, and any number of input files.
CDDUP is based on the same core as FMV, but is intended for direct
audio extraction from CD's. It requires DAO as the DAE engine though.
CDDUP will sample N copies of each audio section, clean it, save it
to disk, and advance to the next section.
Here is a link to the documentation.
Here is a link to the code.
It compiles under Visual C++ 5.0.
DAO is a commercial software package, available from
GoldenHawk software
This is a straightforward port of GTKWave to Win32.
GTKWave is a VCD/EVCD waveform viewer. If you don't design hardware using VHDL or verilog,
you shouldn't be interested by this.
PUNTO is a Perl script that is planned to grow into some sort of "swiss army
knife" for PCB netlists. For more details about PUNTO and what it can do, please
visit the PUNTO homepage.
Just what the title says. If you have an old ST02 card lying around, you could turn it into an M-Systems D.O.C 2000 programmer.
This page has been accessed
times since Oct 3, 1998.
Copyright © 1998-1999 Udi Finkelstein
, All Rights Reserved.
"Last updated: